Diferencia entre revisiones de «Libro de Kells»

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Línea 163:
* Alton, E. H. and P. Meyer ''Enageliorum quattor Codex Cenannensi''. 3 vols. Bern: Urs Graf Verlag, 1959-1951.
* Brown, T. J. "Northumbria and the Book of Kells". ''Anglo-Saxon England'' I (1972): 219-246.
* Friend, A. M., Jr. "The Canon Tables of the Book of Kells". In ''Mediæval Studies in Memory of A. Kingsley Porter'', ed. W. R. K. Koehler. Vol. 2, pp. 611-641. Cambridge, Mass.: [[Harvard University Press]], 1939.
* Hopkins-James, Lemur J. ''The Celtic Gospels, Their Story and Their Texts''. London: Oxford University Press, 1934.
* Lewis, Susanne. "Sacred Calligraphy: The Chi Rho Page in the Book of Kells" ''Traditio'' 36 (1980): 139-159.