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* HTML error reporting interface for abusefilter.
* @author [[User:Steinsplitter]], [[User:Perhelion]], [[User:Rotpunkt]]
* Based on the following script by [[:it:Utente:Rotpunkt]]:
* Adopted for eswiki by [[User:SRuizR]] from
* <nowiki>
/* eslint indent:["error","tab",{"outerIIFEBody":0}] */
/* global mediaWiki, jQuery */

( function ( mw, $ ) {
'use strict';

// Page which contains the form
var formPage = 'Wikipedia:Filtro de ediciones/Portal/Archivo/Reporte de falsos positivos/Formulario',
	// Page where the report should be submitted
	encPage = 'Wikipedia:Filtro de ediciones/Portal/Archivo/Reporte de falsos positivos/Actual',
	// Element configuration
	elements = {
		'gmc-abfpage': {
			tipo: 'textbox',
			placeholder: 'Pagename',
			msg: 'Por favor escribe el nombre de la página donde tuviste el problema (solo el nombre de la página, no escribas la URL)'
		'gmc-sandbox': {
			tipo: 'textarea',
			msg: '¿Qué intentabas hacer y qué motivo te dio el sistema para impedir tu edición?'
		'gmc-crea': {
			tipo: 'button',
			text: 'Enviar reporte'
	user; // Sometimes REVISIONUSER is exposed to a server replag, so use only as fallback

if ( mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) !== formPage /* && mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ) !== formPage + '/Sandbox'*/ ) { return; }

// enable report from
$( '#enableo2specialform' ).show();
// remove "old" buttons
$( '#olderportbutton' ).hide();
// add
$( '#jsabfformworks' ).show();
$( '#firstHeading, #siteSub, #catlinks, .catlinks' ).hide();

 * View the MSG
 * @param {string} msg - Msg to display.
 * @param {boolean} spinner - If true start spinner.
 * @param {string} url - Url string
function showMessage( msg, spinner, url ) {
	var $dialog = $( '#gmc-dialog' );
	$dialog.empty().append( msg );
	if ( spinner ) {
		$dialog.append( '<br><br>', $.createSpinner( { size: 'large', type: 'block' } ), '<br>' );
	$dialog.dialog( {
		title: 'Reportar un problema',
		width: 340,
		modal: true,
		buttons: {
			Ok: function () {
				$( this ).dialog( 'close' );
				if ( url ) {
					window.location.href = url;
	} );

 * Resolve the CAPTCHA.
 * @param {string} captchaUrl - Url of the image.
 * @param {function} inputHandler - Input field.
function showCaptcha( captchaUrl, inputHandler ) {
	var $dialog = $( '#gmc-dialog' ).empty(),
		$div = $( '<div>', { style: 'text-align:center' } ),
		$img = $( '<img>', { src: captchaUrl } ),
		$captchaWord = $( '<input>', { type: 'text', size: 40 } );
	$div.append( $img, '<br><br>', $captchaWord ).appendTo( $dialog );
	$dialog.dialog( {
		title: 'Por favor resuelva el Captcha:',
		modal: true,
		buttons: {
			Ok: function () {
				$( this ).dialog( 'close' );
				inputHandler( $captchaWord.val() );
			Annulla: function () {
				$( this ).dialog( 'close' );
	} );

 * Create the new request.
 * @param {string} abfpage - Pagename.
 * @param {string} sandbox - Text 1
 * @param {object} params - additional mw.Api.newSection params
function createRequest( abfpage, sandbox, params ) {
	// First check username, because we allow anon
	user = mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) || user;
	if ( !user ) {
		// Get anon name as late as possible, as the user could still login on another window.
		return new mw.Api().get( { meta: 'userinfo' } ).always( function ( r ) {
		    if ( r.query && ( r = r.query.userinfo ) ) {
		    	user =;
		    } else { user = '{{subst:REVISIONUSER}}'; }
			createRequest( abfpage, sandbox, params );
		} );

	var text = '{{subst:Reportefalsopositivo|' +
		'\n|Nombre del artículo=' + abfpage +
		( sandbox ? '\n|Problema encontrado=' + sandbox : '' ) +

	showMessage( 'Publicando reporte…', true );
	return new mw.Api().newSection( encPage, 'Report by ' + user, text, params )
		.done( function ( data ) {
			var url, msg;
			if ( data && ( data = data.edit ) && ( data = data.captcha ) && && data.url ) {
				showCaptcha( data.url, function ( text ) {
					createRequest( abfpage, sandbox, {
						captchaword: text
					} );
				} );
			} else {
				url = mw.config.get( 'wgArticlePath' ).replace( '$1', encPage + '#footer' );
				msg = 'El reporte se ha publicado en:<br>' +
					'<a href="' + url + '">' + encPage + '</a><br><br>' +
					'Haz clic en OK para ir al reporte.';
				showMessage( msg, null, url );
		} )
		.fail( function ( code, data ) {
			showMessage( 'Error al crear el reporte: ' + );
		} );

 * Section to create the button
function submitHandler() {
	var abfpage, sandbox, error;

	abfpage = $.trim( $( '#gmc-abfpage' ).val() );
	sandbox = $.trim( $( '#gmc-sandbox' ).val() );

	if ( !sandbox ) {
		$( '#gmc-sandbox' ).focus();
		error = elements[ 'gmc-sandbox' ].msg;

	if ( error ) {
		showMessage( 'ERROR: ' + error );
	} else {
		createRequest( abfpage, sandbox );

function buildForm() {
	// Special warning regarding -logged out- for anons.
	if ( mw.user.isAnon() )	{
		$( '#userisanon' ).show();

	// verify that all necessary placeholder elements exist on the page
	for ( var id in elements ) {
		if ( elements.hasOwnProperty( id ) ) {
			if ( !$( '#' + id ).length ) {
				mw.log.warn( '[ABFeasySubmit.js]: ' + id + ' not found.' );

	// div for the messeges
	$( '<div>', { id: 'gmc-dialog' } ).appendTo( 'body' );

	// Create the HTML elements
	$.each( elements, function ( id, el ) {
		var $el = {
			checkbox: [ '<input>', { type: 'checkbox' } ],
			textbox: [ '<input>', { type: 'text', size: 80 } ],
			textarea: [ '<textarea>', { style: 'width:100%; height:100%;' } ],
			button: [ '<button>', { text: el.text, 'class': 'mw-ui-button mw-ui-progressive', click: submitHandler } ]
		}[ el.tipo ];
		$el = $( $el[ 0 ], $el[ 1 ] );
		// eaventual attrib placeholders
		if ( el.placeholder ) {
			$el.attr( 'placeholder', el.placeholder );
		$el.attr( 'id', id );
		$( '#' + id ).replaceWith( $el );
	} );

$.when( mw.loader.using( [
] ), $.ready ).then( buildForm );

}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );
// </nowiki>