Usuaria:Silva Selva/Taller/Juana (inglés)

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#REDIRECCIÓN [[Usuaria:Silva Selva/Taller]]

Juana Julia Guzmán (1892 - 1975) was a Colombian activist in the peasant struggle at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1917, she created "El Centro de Emancipación Femenina" (Women Emancipation center), and two years later, in 1919, she was one of the main founders of the "Sociedad de Obreros y Artesanos de Córdoba" (Workers and artisans society of Córdoba).

Early life and education


Juana Julia Guzmán was born on the Caribbean coast of Colombia in 1892. She was unable to attend school and began working as a tobacco leaf sorter at the age of 12.[1]

In Montería, she sought out the Italian communist leader Vicente Adamo and with his help she organized the women of this capital and founded a socialist hospital, a workers' school, and a popular library.[2]



Redemption of Women Society workers


In 1919 Guzman created Society of Workers Redemption of Women comprised of street vendors of the market, maids and laundresses, which, among other things participated in the struggles for the vindication of the land.Several leaders of the region participated in this society, "such as Ana Francisca (Pacha) Ferias, Agustina Medrano, Mercedes Vidal, among other working peasant leaders."

In the words of the same Juana Julia claimed as women, they lived in a state of exploitation in the beating and mistreating the maids. They held meetings on Tuesdays and Saturdays to teach them to defend themselves and to teach them that they could not be sent to prison for having debts. Guzmán "went to the mayor's office to defend them asking: Bring the account book here, show me to see what that debt was pointed out at. Since they don't have shoes or anything, how can they owe all that? di and ten'll give are both: that was what was in those books


  1. «Juana Julia Guzmán - Enciclopedia | Banrepcultural». Consultado el 24 de julio de 2021. 
  2. Colombia hoy informa. Centro de Promoción Ecuménica y Social. 1989.