Roland Olbeter (Hannover, 19..) is an escenographer and robotic artist. Lives and works in Barcelona since 1989. Formally trained as a concert violinist and naval constructor, he has worked extensively for the theatre, the opera, as well as for sound and movement installations. He developed a serie of electroacustic instruments that played together with classic opera and performances in museums and festivals. Olbeter´s work is sponsored by german high tech company's FESTO. In 2005 he started a collaboration with Carlus Padrissa (Fura dels Baus), Franc Aleu and Chu Uroz, that led to a highly prolific production of contemporary and classic operas that were performed in New York, Tokio, Milano, Wien, München, Paris among others. In addition to the scenography, he designed and realized most of the artefacts that La Fura dels Baus used in their shows as the Human Net or the Pepsíclope, and also collaborated with them on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games Barcelona '92.

Own creation projects


In 2004, he developed and directed the chamber opera "Orlando Furioso" for 5 robotic instruments and soprano, with music by Michael Gross. In 2008, he designed the thematic Pavillon OIKOS for EXPO 2008 Zaragoza. He developed the automatic machine opera "Gulliver's Dream" with music by Elena Kats Chernin which the premiere took place in 2005 Grec's Festival edition in Barcelona.



Damnation' Faust of Hector Berlioz for the Salzburg Festpiele in 1999 in collaboration with La fura dels Baus and Jaume Plensa.

Der Ring der Nibelungen, Richard Wagner. Valencia/Firenze (Das Rheingold, 2007), (Die Walküre, 2007), (Siegfried, 2008) and (Gotterdamerung, 2009)

Sonntag aus light, 2011 and Donnerstag aus light, 2008 of Karlheinz Stockhausen.

Turandot, Giacomo Puccini 2011

Babylon of Jörg Widmann, 2012

Tannhauser Richard Wagner, 2010 Milano

