Usuario:Arancibia Monica/Taller

Evita proclaims rights for old age.

On August 28th 1948, Eva Perón proclaimed the rights for old age. They were incorporated to the New Constitution of 1949. Eva Perón´s permanent preoccupation with old people made her write and announce on August 28th 1948 "The Old Age Decalogue", a list of old people´s rights that were included later in the Constitution of 1949.

The Ten Old Age Rights were: assistance, housing, clothing, physical health care, moral health care, entertainment, work, tranquility, feeding, expansion and respect.

In 1956, the Constitution of 1949 was abolished, carried out by a "liberating" military dictatorship´s proclaim and old people´s rights didn´t have institutional hierarchy any longer. Due to this on 28th August it is celebrated The Old Age Day.

Old people´s rights:

1) Right to assistance: All old people have the right to their integral protection on behalf of their family. In case of abandonment, it is the State´s responsabiity to provide such protection, in a direct way or by means of institutions or foundations created or to be created with that aim, without damage of subrogation of the State or those institutes to demand the remiss and solvent family the corresponding contribution.

2) Right to h:ousing: the right to a hygienic lodging with a minimum of housing comfort is inherent to human conditions.

3) Right to feeding: Healthful feeding, adapted to age and physical state of each one must be contemplated in a particular way.

4) Right to clothing: Decorous clothing and appropriated to climate completes the previous right.

5) Right to physical health care: old people health care has to be permanent and specialized worry.

6) Right to moral health care: free exercise of spiritual expansions must be assured

7) Right to leisure: it has to be recognized the right of old people to enjoy moderately of a minimum of entertainments to be able to bear their hours of wait with pleasure.

8) Right to work: when their state and conditions allow them, occupation will be favoured by means of productive labour therapy; it will be avoided, this way, the decline in personality.

9) Right to expansion: to enjoy calmness, free from worries and preoccupation in their last years of existence, is old people´s right

10) Right to respect: old age has the right to respect and consideration from everybody

'There wasn’t a great country if we didn’t start to protect and respect the elderly; there couldn’t have been a great country if we didn’t help those who had done everything for our Homeland and in the end of their lives they need to ask for their brother’s help' Eva Duarte de Peron ====

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