
LSP genre [[for specific purposes|for specific purposes|LSP]] is a text genre[1]​ that refers to a group of specialized texts belonging to a specific expert community[2]​ that share an overall structural organization, a communicative purpose, a rhetorical purpose, linguistic and pragmatic characteristics, and a type of audience. They are highly structured and conventionalized.

Rhetorical analysis in LSP genres


Rhetorical analysis[3]​ plays an important part in the concept of genre since it deals with the direct or indirect effect that communication has on the hearer or reader. It is interested in the communicative effectiveness, so it analyzes the linguistic means used in texts to achieve this effectiveness on the reader, such as the use of modal verbs, conjunctions, adverbials, etc (hedging).

Features of LSP genres

Edward P.J. Corbett, "Introduction." Rhetorical Analyses of Literary Works, ed. by E. Corbett. Oxford University Press, 1985

The LSP genre has different features of style and form that are recognized either overtly or covertly, by those who use the genre. For example, a research paper has conventions about layout (superstructure), form and style that are usually standardized. They are divided into 4 main sections always preceded by an abstract: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. This is called 'the IMRAD' superstructure'.

Examples of LSP genres


•Some examples of genres are: ‘research papers’, ‘abstracts’, ‘dissertations’, ‘book reviews’, ‘textbooks’, ‘case reports’, ‘directions for use’, ‘package leaflets’, ‘instructions’, ‘business letters’, ‘letters of inquiry’, ‘lab reports’, ‘newpapers articles’, ‘sales contracts’, ‘religious sermon’ , ‘birth certificates’ and so on.

  1. Glossary of Linguistic Terms (en english) |url= sin título (ayuda). Consultado el 16 de noviembre de 2017. 
  2. Swales, John (1990). Genre Analysis. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521338134. 
  3. «Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms» (en english). Consultado el 16 de noviembre de 2018.