


The raven , or corvus corax, is a species of bird belonging to the corvus family. They are medium-large birds with a characteristic black plumage, like charcoal, with blue glints in the sunlight.

The feathers on the throat of the large crow bear certain similarities to the hairs of a beard, which gives it a very serious air. Other characteristics of the large crow are that they live in pairs for life and the female is smaller.

On the other hand, its beak is strong, black and slightly curved, while the tail is relatively long. Its size, although at first glance it may not seem like it, can reach 70 cm and comfortably exceed a kilo of weight. The crow flying and, therefore, with open wings reaches a meter wingspan.

Raven Wisdom

It is a very social and extremely intelligent bird, even knowing the rains that can fall from the sky in fifteen years. Sometimes, it seems that it rains so that we can see how clear the feathers of the raven can be with the .

In fact, legend has it that the first animal to come out of Noah's Ark after the flood was the raven . And he did it through a window so small that there was no room for a human head but that of the raven "to explore and find out for himself if the dry land of the waters was already there."

Where does the raven live?

Their habitats are very varied thanks to their great capacity for adaptability, as is also the case with other species such as them . They are distributed throughout the northern hemisphere and have coexisted with humans for thousands of years, even going so far as to mimic the sound emitted by human vocal cords. In the most exceptional cases, they are able to reproduce some words that have been taught to them.

What does it feed on?

Its diet is based on its habitat since it is an omnivorous bird, it feeds on what it can get. But if something stands out about its diet is its variety, which ranges from food waste (residues or  from human beings to vertebrates victims of abuses. Also passing through vegetables, cereals, berries and fruits, or hunting small reptiles, amphibians and birds.


The raven emits a very characteristic “crack-crack” that is considered an alarm sound that differentiates it from other species. The raven has always been considered, without foundation, a bird that harmed wildlife and livestock, which is why it has always been highly persecuted.

Other characteristics of the large crow are that they live in pairs for life and the female is smaller.

Raven symbology

This bird has been linked to the devil and darkness for centuries, there are many literary examples in which it appears represented in this way. Even the iconography has also gone in the same direction. But it is the master of suspense Alfred Hitchcock, in his 1963 film The Birds, who managed to terrorize the entire population with the figure of the raven[1]​ .

In one of his fables, Aesop tells the story of a thirsty crow who manages to drink from a half-empty jug. By not reaching with the beak, the animal fills the container with stones until the water level rises and it can drink. Thus, thanks to his ingenuity and dexterity, he quenches the thirst. This fable contains a clear moral and contains a great truth: crows are tremendously intelligent!

Scientists have proven that to me - knot the reality surpasses fiction : inspired by Aesop's fable, tested about New Caledonian crows to assess how they evolved in tests volume displacement . They preferred to throw stones in a tube with water than in a tube with sand. They also chose the fullest tubes and the most dense objects to get the reward sooner. These birds cannot deduce Archimedes' principle, but they understand why water is displaced and they solve all kinds of problems, even when different tools have to be used in succession. According to the study researchers , their cause-effect knowledge is similar to that of a 5-year-old.[2]


  1. «AQUAE». 
  2. «National Geographic».