Usuario:Nico JDS/Taller


The history of cycling Bicycles which gave rise to this sport in modern times, appeared in Germany in 1817 and today there are more than 800 million in the world, twice the number of cars. The first bicycle, in 1817, was called a "treadmill" and "fun horse". From its origins, it was considered not only a means of locomotion, but also an element of competition and ideal for physical exercise.

The first pedal bicycle was called, Velocipede. And was invented by a Scottish blacksmith, Kirkpatrick Macmillan, in 1839. The first Tandem, Bicycle for Two, was made and was well received, in 1886. In 1989, Americans C. Kelly and G. Fisher built the first mountain bike, with pedals attached to the rear wheel all-terrain bike.

The first road race was in 1870, in Italy, from Florence to Pistoia, with a distance of 33 km, where the American Rynner van Neste won.

The first World Indoor Championships took place at Aylestone Roads (Leicester, Great Britain) in 1883. There the Frenchman Frédéric de Civry won.

In the last decade of the 19th century, the first sports publications devoted to cycling in particular were born, as well as the majority of those devoted to sports in general.

Already at the dawn of the 20th century, the great stage road races were born: the Tour de France (on July 1, 1903, designed by Henri Desgranges), the Giro d'Italia (created by Costamagna, Cougnet and Morgagni in May 1909 ) and, later, the Vuelta Ciclista a España (the first edition of which was held in 1935, devised by Juan Pujol). The main South American stage road event, the Vuelta Ciclista a Colombia, was not held until 1951.

DEFINITION OF CYCLING Cycling is the sport that is carried out by bicycle. Cycling is known as a competition as the discipline that consists of trying to travel a certain distance in the shortest possible time. The runner who finishes first is the winner of the competition.

How to be a professional cyclist


1 to become a professional cyclist you must train every day. Training is the experience with the foundation of any sport, and for a professional cyclist this means running down hills where possible. On average, you should train at least two hours a day six times a week if your goal is to become a professional cyclist. If the weather is too cold to go outside, if possible train on an exercise bike at the gym or at home.

* A professional cyclist usually trains from 4 hours a day to 6 hours a day, although part of this time sometimes has to be spent at the gym lifting weights and strengthening muscles.

2 Strengthen your muscles. Do strengthening exercises for 60 minutes a couple of times a week to strengthen your muscles, especially those in your legs, abdomen, and chest. Generally, you need to be in good shape and have lean muscle mass.

• Examples of good exercises are: squats, leg extension and flexion, and weights

3 Eat properly. Eating properly is necessary for your body to overcome the challenges of cycling. Get all the nutrition your body needs, all for, to help it resist. Your diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as carbohydrates and protein without fat

4 Develop all your strength. Professional cyclists should be able to climb a mountain even in the final stage of the race when you are exhausted. Work on increasing your strength to overcome these situations.. Video to cycling All cyclists have specific characteristics and capabilities that differentiate them from other competitors. For example, in professional competitions it is very easy to identify a rider from the participants and his role within the squads.

Video to cycling In races, four types of cyclists stand out, who due to their physical conditions, their pace, their ability to climb anywhere and their explosiveness in sprints, are necessary in the structure of any team. These are the climbers, the time trialists, the gregarious and the sprinters.

However, in the world of amateur cycling, profiles are multiplying, and this makes many more types of cyclists stand out. If you have never done a specific job for promotions, do not try to keep up with nairo quintana because it will surely break your legs. Types of cyclists The know-it-all

He is an expert in models and types of bicycles. He knows prices and brands. He is so knowledgeable about cycling that just by looking at his machine he can tell you which measurement and setting to correct to avoid problems on the road. He is up to date with all the information about the main races in the world in cycling. he knows the names of the participants and the winners of all contests throughout history. He can give you advice on how to train according to your needs, he tells you which bike best suits your body and how you should ride to achieve good performance. The downside is that there are two types of know-it-all: the one who really knows what he is talking about and practices cycling in a disciplined way, and the one who thinks he knows everything, but doesn't really know anything. He identifies well what kind of know-it-all he is advising you so that later you will not have problems.

The intense


He lives cycling with such passion that no one can bear it anymore. He talks about the bicycle at all hours in his social media groups, at his family table, with his partner, with his friends, with his boss and his co-workers. He is the typical runner who can't wait for the weekend to go out pedaling with his friends. He dresses like a pro and tries to wear cycling accessories in his everyday life with him. His love and favorite activity for two wheels is such that he is able to start conversations with strangers to tell them of the suffering and pain he had to endure in the port to which he ascended during the weekend, to share his adventures or tell the story. environment. of the place he met on his bike. He may seem very exaggerated, but in reality there are cyclists who behave like this. And it's not bad at all because it's just one of the many ways to experience that sport.

The meteorologist


He is the cyclist who best anticipates the meteorological phenomena. He knows exactly how the weather is going to be throughout the day, when it will rain and when the sun will rise. All his friends trust him and that is why they only go out to ride if the weather cyclist predicts good weather. The concept of it is so important that based on the forecast the group defines the type of route they are going to face, the clothes they are going to use or the need to wear extra clothes to protect themselves from a possible rain. If the meteorologist says it is best to cancel the trip, you have to pay attention.

The technological


A bicycle ride cannot be conceived if technological devices are not adapted to the pedals. For them, the machine must be equipped with a potentiometer and the cell phone applications must be measuring the pedaling rhythm in real time. He doesn't leave any aspect to chance. They measure heart rate, travel time, kilometers, pulse and compare it with the performance of the cyclists who accompany them on their journey. They are obsessed with metrics because they consider application data the only viable option for evaluating performance.

The Eater of Kilometers


He is a cyclist who could certainly complete a stage of the Tour de France or the Giro d'Italia. He is always pedaling, he travels many kilometers and he does not get off his bike for the world until he finishes. Going out riding with a mile eater could turn out to be a total disaster because these athletes don't run out of gas on their legs that easily. It does not matter that they already have a route marked, the devourer will always take advantage of the moment to extend his record and travel many more kilometers than they are.



He is the most competitive of the group. He is always ahead leading during road tours or mountain expeditions. He is in charge of communicating the news that occurs along the way. The leader likes to set the pace and lead his friends. He is a cyclist who has the spirit of a winner in his DNA. He always stands out because his friends identify him as the most characteristic, the one who stands out, the one who always wants to go to the front.

The dissatisfied


Who does not have cycling friends and at the same time dissatisfied? He is the “most animated”, he is in charge of organizing the departure, summoning the group, defining the arrival time, bringing food to share, training a lot and at the end, when the day of departure arrives, he never appears, sleeps or has laziness to go to the competition.

References [1][2][3][4][5]

  3. Cycling Madison Wisconsin 1096.jpg,
  5. GCN en Español, 28 the oct 2021, Tips for Beginning Cyclists, These are some basic tips for all those people who are new to cycling.