Usuario:PabloCastellano/en obras/Steal This Film

Steal This Film es una película hecha para documentar el movimiento en contra de la propiedad intelectual, producida por The League of Noble Peers y distribuida únicamente a través de internet, usando el protocolo peer-to-peer BitTorrent.

Hasta el momento existen dos partes y una edición especial Juicio a The Pirate Bay de la primera parte. The League of Noble Peers está trabajando en "Steal this Film - The Movie" y un nuevo proyecto titulado "The Oil of the 21st Century".[2]

Primera parte


La primera parte, filmaca en Suecia y publicada en agosto de 2006, combina los testimonios de jugadores prominentes en la cultura anti-copyright sueca (The Pirate Bay, Piratbyrån, y el Partido Pirata) con otros materiales, eslóganes propagandísticos y declaraciones del público general.

Incluye entrevistas con los miembros de The Pirate Bay Fredrik Neij (tiamo), Gottfrid Svartholm (anakata) y Peter Sunde (brokep) que más tarde también fueron usadas por un acuerdo en el documental Good Copy Bad Copy, así como con los miembros de Piratbyrån Rasmus Fleischer (rsms), Johan (krignell) y Sara Andersson (fraux).

The film[3]​ is notable for its critical analysis of an alleged regulatory capture[4]​ attempt performed by the Hollywood film lobby to leverage economic sanctions by the United States government on Sweden through the WTO. Evidence is presented of pressure applied through Swedish courts on Swedish police to conducting a search and seizure against to disrupt The Pirate Bay's BitTorrent tracker service, in contravention of Swedish law.[5]

The Guardian's James Flint called Part One "at heart a traditionally-structured 'talking heads' documentary" with "amusing stylings" from film-makers who "practice what they preach."[6]​ It also screened at the British Film Institute and numerous independent international events, and was a talking point in 2007's British Documentary Film Festival.[7][8]​ In January 2008 it was featured on BBC Radio 4's Today, in a discussion piece which explored the implications of P2P for traditional media. [cita requerida]

Material found in Steal This Film includes the music of Can, tracks "Thief" and "She Brings the Rain"; clips from other documentary interviews with industry and governmental officials; several industry anti-piracy promotionals; logos from several major Hollywood studios, and sequences from The Day After Tomorrow, The Matrix, Zabriskie Point, and They Live. The use of these short clips is believed to constitute fair use.

Part two


Steal This Film (Part 2)[9]​ (sometimes subtitled 'The Dissolving Fortress') was produced during 2007. It premiered (in a preliminary version) at a conference entitled "The Oil of the 21st Century - Perspectives on Intellectual Property" in Berlin, Germany, November 2007.[10]

Thematically, Part 2 "examines the technological and enforcement end of the copyright wars, and on the way that using the internet makes you a copier, and how copying puts you in legal jeopardy."[11]​ It discusses Mark Getty's assertion that 'intellectual property is the oil of the 21st century'. Part 2 draws parallels between the impact of the printing press and the internet in terms of making information accessible beyond a privileged group or "controllers". The argument is made that the decentralised nature of the internet makes the enforcement of conventional copyright impossible. Adding to this the internet turns consumers into producers, by way of user generated content, leading to the sharing, mashup and creation of content not motivated by financial gains. This has fundamental implications for market-based media companies. The documentary asks "How will society change" and states "This is the Future - And it has nothing to do with your bank balance".

Boing Boing's Cory Doctorow called it 'an amazing, funny, enraging and inspiring documentary series', and Part II "even better than part I."[11]

"Edición especial"


Una 'edición especial' (también conocida como '2.5') apareció coincidiendo con el juicio en 2009 de The Pirate Bay. Esta versión incluye material de Steal This Film I y II y añade nuevas entrevistas con Peter Sunde y otros durante 2008, antecedentes históricos sobre The Pirate Bay y los tipógrafos holandeses (a los que se les consideraba piratas) así como trozos de una entrevista sobre el propio conflicto legal.[12]Steal This Film 'Spectrial Edition' is widely available online and it is thought to be this version that is now available to television stations and others. En YouTube hay una copia completa en alta definición.[13]​.

The new edition of Steal This Film is in part of the Official Selection and in competition at the 2009 Roma Fiction Festival (Factual strand).[14]

Festivales, cine y otros medios


Steal This Film fue seleccionado y se proyectó en varios festivales:

  • International Documentary Film Festival 2008, Sheffield [15]
  • South By Southwest festival 2008 en Austin, Texas,[16]
  • Singapore International Film Festival 2008.[17]
  • Tampere Film Festival, en 2008 [18]
  • Salt Spring Film Festival 2007[19]
  • Rhythm of the Line Festival 2007[20]
  • Kerala International Film Festival, India.[cita requerida]

Además, ha sido emitido entre otros en los canales:

  • Canal Historia, España
  • Canal +, Polonia
  • Noga, Israel
  • TV4, Suecia
  • Dublin Community TV, Irlanda.

Steal This Film fue nominado en 2008 para el premio de la Comunidad Digital Ars Electronica[21]​ y fue semifinalista en la competición online de 2008 del sitio de streaming Babelgum.

El documental es enseñado en Universidades de Comunicación de todo el mundo, incluyendo el NYU's Media Culture & Communication course[22]​.

Distribución online


The film is famous partly for being one of the most downloaded documentaries to date. Part One was released through an arrangement with The Pirate Bay; the filesharing site marketed Steal This Film in place of its own pirate ship logo. This produced millions of downloads for the film and catapulted it to wide recognition on the Internet after it hit Digg, Slashdot, Reddit and other online centers of attention.

Steal This Film (Part 2) was distributed in a similar manner, but with more trackers and indexes involved, including Isohunt and Mininova. Estimates of the total current downloads of the film hover at around the 6 million mark via bittorrent alone. Since the creators have not attempted to restrict copying, the film is also available on YouTube, Google Video and many other web-based video service.

A cam version leaked soon after the premiere of Steal This Film (Part 2) in Berlin.[23]Part 2 had its theatrical (rather than viewed online) premiere at the openly-organised Who Makes And Owns Your Work artistic seminar in Stockholm 2007.[24]​ Despite the principles of the seminar itself (organised via public wiki in a year-long process), the involvement of Piratbyran roused the funders of the seminar, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, to prohibit Piratbyran's logo on the seminar marketing materials alongside its own.[25]​ The seminar initiators' solution was to add a black sticker dot over the logo, which was easily peeled off. Another condition given by the Committee was that a moderator or an anti-piracy spokesperson be present to balance the debate.[26]

Film poster mockup used as the logo for The Pirate Bay

The documentary was officially released on filesharing networks on December 28, 2007 and, according to the filmmakers, downloaded 150,000 times in the first three days of distribution.[27]Pirate Bay encouraged the downloading of Steal This Film Two, announcing its release on its blog.[28]Steal This Film Part 2 was also screened by the Pirate Cinema Copenhagen in January 2008.[29]​ The documentary can also be downloaded on the official Steal This Film website.[30]



La segunda parte, al igual que la primera parte es en sueco. La primera parte tenía subtítulos en inglés. Debido al gran interés que generó el documental, hubo traductores voluntarios que crearon los subtítulos para la segunda parte en croata, danés, holandés, francés, finés, alemán, griego, húngaro, italiano, polaco, portugués, ruso, español, turco y ucraniano.



As well as funding from BritDoc, the Steal This Film producers continues to utilize a loose version of the Street Performer Protocol[cita requerida], collecting voluntary donations via a PayPal account, from the website.[31]​ For future financing, director Jamie King has written that he and the League of Noble Peers propose, a "post IP compensation system" which "allows viewers and listeners to make voluntary payments right from the client in which they play media." [32]



The League of Noble Peers hizo una petición de donaciones y el día 5 de julio de 2009 habían conseguido reunir más de 30.000 dólares americanos.[33]​ Los directores aclararon que aproximadamente uno de cada mil espectadores donó entre 15 y 40 USD.



Steal This Film One and Two are credited as 'conceived, directed, and produced' by The League of Noble Peers. Where Part One contains no personal attribution, Part Two has full credits.

The League of Noble Peers are now working on a cinema release of Steal This Film.[cita requerida]

See also



  1. Steal This Film: Things You Can Help With, Steal this film Wiki. Anonymous, Last modified February 2006. Retrieved 2010-02-20
  2. «Steal This Film - Projects». 2006,2007. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2010. 
  3. «Steal This Film (Part 1)». Consultado el 20 de febrero de 2010. 
  4. «Documentary Film Video: Listing for Steal This Film». Consultado el 20 de febrero de 2010. 
  5. Doctorow, Cory (August 23, 2006). Steal This Movie: documentary on Swedish piracy movement. Retrieved 2010-04-09.
  6. Flint, James (September 25, 2006). «Steal This Film, read this article». The Guardian. Consultado el 20 de febrero de 2010. 
  7. Search, Jess; King, Jamie; et. al. (July 27 2007). «Britdoc 07 Talking Sessions: Steal This Film». BritDoc Foundation. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2010.  Audio parts 1 & 2.
  8. Mayes, Tessa (August 6, 2007). "Don’t steal this article - but please do discuss it". Spiked Online. Retrieved 2010-04-09.
  9. Steal This Film (Part 2). Retrieved 2010-04-10.
  10. «Oil of the 21st Century Conference». Consultado el 20 de febrero de 2010. 
  11. a b Doctorow, Cory (December 29, 2007). «Steal This Film, Part II: the Internet makes us into copiers». Consultado el 20 de febrero de 2010.  Early review.
  12. Roettgers, Janko (February 18, 2009). «New Steal This Film Documentary Just In Time For Pirate Bay Trial». GigaOM. Consultado el 10 de abril de 2010. 
  13. Steal This Film - Trial Edition (video). Uploaded February 17, 2009. Retrieved 2010-02-20.
  14. Roma Fiction Festival 2009 selection of Steal This Film II.
  15. Sheffield International Documentary Film Festival 2007 Film Schedule November 8, 2008. Retrieved 2010-04-10.
  16. South By Southwest 2008 Schedule and Screening Schedule, 2008. Retrieved 2010-04-10.
  17. 21st Singapore International Film Festival - Screening Schedule 2008. Retrieved 2010-04-10.
  18. Tampere Film Festival 2008 listing of Steal This Film
  19. Salt Spring Film Festival 2007 listing of Steal This Film
  20. Rhythm of the Line Festival listing of Steal This Film.
  21. Prix Ars Electronica 2008 nomination of Steal This Film.
  22. New York University, Media Culture & Communication 2008 Course including Steal This Film.
  23. Steal This Film II - STF-II_CAM.avi(torrent) The Pirate Bay. Retrieved 2010-04-10.
  24. Who Makes And Owns Your Work? Conference, 12 November 2007. Retrieved 2010-02-20.
  25. Piratbyran Activities, 2007 2008. Retrieved 2010-04-10.
  26. Nygren, Tomas (November 13th, 2007) Gesamtkunstwerk: Who Makes and Owns Your Work launching at Årsta, Sat 17th November (photo, portions in Swedish). Retrieved 2010-04-10.
  27. King, Jamie (January 3, 2008). «The Future Doesn't Care About The Bank Balance but the 1/1000 do!». Archivado desde el original el 12 de febrero de 2008. Consultado el 20 de febrero de 2010. 
  28. The Pirate Bay - Blog Retrieved 2010-04-09.
  29. Pirate Cinema Copenhagen Screening, January 13, 2008. Retrieved 2010-04-09.
  30. Steal This Film Part 2 Download Official download page.
  31. Donations Page
  32. King, Jamie (November 22, 2007) Content producers should take advantage of P2P, not fear it New Media Age. Retrieved 2010-04-10.
  33. Ernesto (January 5, 2008). «When Pirates Pay, They Pay Good». TorrentFreak. Consultado el 8 de enero de 2008. 

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