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Karuṇā (tanto en Sánscrito como en Pāli) es traducido generalmente como compasión. // [1]​ It is part of the spiritual path of both Buddhism and Jainism.



KaruPlantilla:IASTā is important in all schools of Buddhism. For Theravāda Buddhists, dwelling in karuPlantilla:IASTā is a means for attaining a happy present life and heavenly rebirth. For Mahāyāna Buddhists, karuPlantilla:IASTā is a co-requisite for becoming a Bodhisattva. </nowiki>

  1. Regarding the Sanskrit word, see Monier-Williams (1899), p. 255, entry for "karuPlantilla:IASTā" (retrieved at, where the noun form of the word is defined as "pity, compassion". For the Pali word, see Rhys, Davids & Stede (1921–25), p. 197, entry for "KaruPlantilla:IASTā" (retrieved at, where it is defined as "pity, compassion".