
The use of the TICs in English

In the process of acquiring a second language, ICT could be used to enrich and favour each of the approaches mentioned, as most students have lived with ICT in a natural way, they have grown up with them in many areas of their daily lives and now they have only adopted them in their educational work, although they must integrate them adequately into their learning processes if they want to develop communicative competences or skills (López, 2007).

Evidence has been found from different studies that new technologies can help students to learn and teachers to teach more effectively. Research suggests that while ICT can improve learning, there are some issues that need to be considered if new technologies are to make an effective difference. Therefore, some caution is required about where and how ICTs can have the greatest impact. (López, 2007)

When we talk about innovation in foreign language teaching, we do not mean to imply that we have to reject all the resources that were being used prior to the application of ICT in education. We need to use both the previous methodology, like the traditional blackboard, chalk and books, and the new technologies like computers, Internet and digital whiteboards.

The use of ICT in the foreign language classroom is a resource that motivates students, complements the teaching process, enhances students to have open discussions, and helps to share stories among students.

Here are some resources for working in foreign languages:

-  Google Docs: A perfect tool for creating and sharing documents. (

-        Issuu: to upload and view digital material  (

-        Picasa: an image organiser and viewer. (

-       Slideshare: to share presentations and documents. (

-       Blogger: website for creating blogs. (

-       Youtube: a video sharing site. (

-       Skype: software that allows for different conversations. (

-       JClic: applications to create educational tasks. (

-       Delicious:  for sharing and storing stories. (

-       CMapTools: concept mapping software.(

-       Hot Potatoes: to create activities. (

-     ComicLife: a programme that provides us with tools to create comic books, photo albums, etc.. (

The development of information and communication technologies in education is a support tool for students. This led to exposing their perception of the use of ICT as a support for learning English. The research was carried out with a quantitative, transversal and descriptive approach.

3.1.1. Interactive boards

Some schools have had the opportunity to get more advanced equipment for computer aided

presentations and use Interactive boards, i.e. Smart Boards in some classrooms.

3.1.2. Facilitate experiments

Modern computer equipment is used in several of the schools to facilitate experiments in natural sciences. In some cases the use of ICT is a way to improve the experiments and to make the processes more visible and in other cases the experiments would not even be possible to do without computers.

3.1.3. Video and sound

Computer equipment for video and sound editing makes it possible for learners to produce audiovisual materials and audio recordings.

3.1.4. PowerPoint

Most schools reported using PowerPoint to support lectures.

3.1.5. Animations

Most schools reported using different computer programmes and web pages to animate issues which they want to show and to explain to the students. The idea behind this is to make lectures more concrete.


López, C. A. (2011). Uso de las TIC para el aprendizaje del inglés en la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes | Arteaga López | Apertura. udgvirtual.


Percepción de los estudiantes respecto del uso de las TIC y el aprendizaje del idioma inglés. (2018).

Ulf, F., Elzbieta, G., & Gunilla, J. (2009, 1 enero). Ways to use ICT in schools to optimize the impact on teaching and learning. ResearchGate.