
Title Episode Location Description
Offensive Car Slogans Top Gear: US Special - Season 9, Episode 3 Seminole, Alabama, United States The Top Gear trio were instructed to paint their cars in a manner that could offend the locals. May painted "Man Love Rules OK" on Hammond's car, Hammond defaced Clarkson's car with "Country and Western is Rubbish" and Clarkson added "Hillary for President", "NASCAR sucks" and "I'm bi" to May's car. They stopped at a petrol station in the small unincorporated Alabamian community of Seminole to refill their cars, however the garage's owner was provoked so much by the slogans that their cars and the production crew's filming vans were pelted with rocks by friends of the owner and were forced to flee from locals that had been maddened by their car slogans. Once the trio lost sight of the angered locals, they frantically removed the slogans of their cars and raced to the Mississippi state border.
Top Gear on Mexican Cars Season 16, Episode 2
Season 16, Episode 2
Tierra del Fuego Province Incident Top Gear: Patagonia Special - Season 22 Tierra del Fuego Province, Argentina
Dismissal of Clarkson Unaired Hawes, England, United Kingdom