
Personal Project


The "Personal Project" is a requirement from the IB Diploma Programme, were the students must choose an academic or non-academic topic or subject to develop their project, which they will be completing over the course of the school year. They must choose an MYP teacher which with regular meetings, scheduled by the student, will help as an advisor to him.

Students are required to keep a "personal journal", demonstrating their process and knowledge about their chosen subject. They must write an report which consist of four criteria; Criterion A: Investigation, Criterion B: Planning, Criterion C: Action and Criterion D: Reflection. In order to obtain the MYP certificate, the student must get at least 4 out of 7 in the final score.

Components of the MYP Personal Project


The Personal Project has different components and elements that are necessary for this complete and ready so that it can be evaluated by the student's supervisor or by the IB moderation. The project should generally include 5 key elements:

The academic honesty form for MYP projects:


This form is necessary from the beginning of the project since it will record three sections where three meetings that the student had with his supervisor will be reported in detail. (this form can be found in the MYP section of the program resource center)

The project report


The report that the student must make where they discuss the process they have followe and what they have learned during the development of the project. This report can be done in writing, electronic, oral, visual, or a combination of formats. The report should be structured in identifiable sections taking into account the specific objectives of the MYP projects. The report is not part of the work and product journal.

Appendices or Fragments of the work journal


These excerpts are short sections of the work journal that is developed during the development of the project. In these appendices they should exemplify the knowledge acquired by the student, the processes and the skills that they have acquired. If the report is presented orally, visual resources can be included. Each of the Appendices has elements that must be followed depending on the report and the format chosen.

Bibliography or list of References


The project must include a bibliography suitable for the work. The student can use in-text citations, footnotes or endnotes. The student is free to use other recognized systems to refer to what is shown in his report.

Product or project result


Finally, the project to be evaluated must include product tests. The student's supervisor should conduct a full review of the entire product or outcome, however, for IB moderation it should be included as an appendix to the project report. The fragment that is moderated by the IB must not exceed the following limits: 5 still images in a single PDF format, 3 seconds of audio or video, or 1 page of A4 size text



Criteria A


Criterion A refers to the research part that the student must carry out in order to develop his project. Criterion A is divided into 3 aspects to follow.

• In the first aspect to follow, the student must define a clear objective and global context for the project based on personal interests. The project is based on a personal interest of the student that generates intellectual curiosity from a personal perspective that may be linked to family, social, cultural, political importance or an individual passion since this project must be significant for the student in that time to do the job. After having that clear personal interest, the project should be considered as a global challenge that helps you expand your international knowledge from a perspective of a global context (in the document The Middle Years Program: from principles to practice [2014] you will find the list of possible global scans). The student must identify what he wants to achieve with the project, taking into account the time limits, which are approximately 25 hours to complete the project, and the resources available to him. It should be taken into account that the objectives, although they are related to the products or results, the objectives may be different; For example, if what the student wants to achiev is that a specific group of people become aware, he could elaborate different

elements that will be used for an advertising campaign.

• As a second aspect, the student must identify their previous knowledge and their specific knowledge of the appropriate subjects for their topic to be dealt with in the project. Previous knowledge should be recorded both in the work journal and in the report. This knowledge can be either from personal experience, or knowledge already acquired in MYP subjects in previous years, or knowledge developed outside the classroom.

• As the last aspect that must be included in criterion A both in the report and in the work journal is the demonstration of research skills. The student must be able to quote the work or ideas of other people on all occasions, following a consistent and correct format. All sources used for the development of the project must be listed in alphabetical order, it is very important that all the resources used for the development of the project must be adequate and must be noted in the report. In criterion A, the student must demonstrate information management skills and media literacy skills (for more information on these skills and some examples, see the appendix “Framework of the skills of approaches to learning” of the publication The program of Middle Years: From Principles to Practice [2014]).

Criteria B


These criteria consist in explain in detail all the work the student have done to plan and organize the project for a product or outcome. To have the best grade, the student must follow 3 aspects that makes up these criteria.

The first is to develop a criteria for the product or result; this refers to the criteria, previously created by the student, to evaluate the product or result of the project, and if there are any changes during this process, to explain what and why.

The second aspect is to plan and record the project development process; this means that the student must offer evidence of their planning abilities, meaning schedules, meetings, milestones, etc, and this leads to the final aspect of demonstrating self-management skills; explain how this ability has helped them in their process of personal project and what new abilities they have developed.

Criteria C


Criteria C of personal project is the Action criterion. This means that the student has to make a product which reflects the creativity and investigation taking into account the evaluation criteria that was produced in Criteria B. There are 3 aspects that conform these criteria, the first one is to create a product or answer to the objective and global context of the personal project. This aspect refers to the quality that the product has to have for the student to prove analysis and evaluation by connecting all these aspects and creating an excellent answer to the objective and global context. The second aspect is to demonstrate thinking abilities taking into account the approaches to learning that the students acquire with personal projects. Like critical thinking, creative thinking, etc. And the last aspect is to demonstrate communication abilities and social abilities and that is achieved by using strategies like verbal, non-verbal and visual aids that are accurate in the context of personal projects. It also verifies the social interaction that the students had through personal projects by using an excellent artistic structure and shows emotional intelligence representing personal work with coherent ideas that help in the understanding of the product.

Criteria D


Criteria D is the Reflection criterion. The aspects the criteria is going to take into account are: evaluate the quality of the product or the result with the established criteria. Meaning, that the student presents an excellent result of the high-quality product based on the criteria that the student made in Criteria B. The second aspect is to reflect about the gained knowledge during the personal project process and how it helped with the comprehension of the topic and global context. Now this is achieved by showing examples or evidence that shows the advancement of the student with detailed descriptions that shows admirable engagement on the topic with a skillful reflection. And the last aspect is to reflect about the development as IB community members during the learning process through personal projects. This involves the use of the IB learner profile attributes that every IB student uses and include the approaches to learning. This is going to provide a better self-evaluation and a perceptive reflection.



Orientación Adicional Proyecto Personal [PDF]. (2015). Cardiff Gate, Wales: International Baccalaureate Organization Ltd (Reino Unido).