Soy Flor de Argentina y especialmente estoy aquí para subir información de bandas no muy conocidas en gran parte del mundo pero si en sus respectivos paises ;D



Si quieren contactarme

Anti Fitness Club


No hago puede en español, soy el húngaro, esto será un mensaje incorrecto seguramente ahora con una palabra. Yo sólo de conferenciantes húngaros, hago lados, o corrijo estos aparecer. Lamentablemente esto ve AFC húngaro (los admiradores húngaros reducen su longitud tan) los idiotas lo suprimieron ya casi lateralmente. De todos modos bueno a puede esto AFC en el extranjero famoso.

Maurice16 18:22 (in Hungary)

Okay I write it down likewise in English then

I just from Hungarian lecturers I do sides, or I repair the ones turning up and I complement it. Unfortunately Hungarian AFC (like this enter sporting event the Hungarian fans) solution the idiots deleted it quasi already, because of this now instead of the mother country the Spanish version the best one. Anyway good to see you how it is known it AFC-t abroad.

Yeah AFC is the Hungarian TH At us they are big stars, if they would not be Hungarian then already they would be known across Europe. Their singer for Tamás Molnár (AFC Tomi), a duo of his will be a famous Hungarian then with a singer, Gabi Tóth. It will be my big mouth then. This will be his title: What is my number on my heart (Ami a szívemen a számon).