I would suggest contacting him directly and showing him the sources. I understand that on the Spanish Wikipedia they generally strive to be neutral across all Hispanophone cultures (this is why articles on animals on here use Latin names as the article titles).

User:Taichi comes from Panama, which is a region with a different form of Spanish than Arizona.

Please contact Taichi directly. Please ask him if the issue about Tucson's name has been discussed before, as it can help you determine what had been decided before. You are also welcome to raise the issue at Wikiproyecto_Discusión:Estados_Unidos

Thanks WhisperToMe (discusión) 20:09 13 dic 2011 (UTC)Responder

I went ahead and started Wikiproyecto_Discusión:Estados_Unidos#Discusi.C3.B3n_sobre_el_nombre_del_Tucson.2C_Arizona WhisperToMe (discusión) 19:39 21 dic 2011 (UTC)Responder

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