Discusión:Libro de la Concordia

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El artículo está basado en la Wikipedia en inglés, que cõmo cabe suponer es anglocéntrico. Dejo a continuación el contenido sobre las traducciones del libro al inglés, que no considero que sean de mucho interés para el lector. Sería interesante incorporar información sobre la traducción al castellano y, acompañándolo, a otros idiomas. Sería entonces útil, pero tal y como está ahora, creo que no procede.--FAR, (Libro de reclamaciones) @ 09:29 4 ago 2013 (UTC)Responder



English translations of individual documents of The Book of Concord, notably The Augsburg Confession, were available since the 16th century.[1]​ The first complete English translation of The Book of Concord was the 1851 Henkel edition followed by a second edition in 1854. These volumes included historical introductions.

Henry E. Jacobs and others published the next English version in 1882 with a revised "People's Edition" in 1911. The 1882 edition was accompanied by a companion volume that contained historical introductions and English translations of other documents illustrative of the history of The Book of Concord.

The third English edition was published as a jubilee observance of the 400th anniversary of the Reformation (1917) along with the German and Latin texts as the 1921 Concordia Triglotta: The Symbolical Books of the Ev. Lutheran Church, German-Latin English edited by Friederich Bente.[2]​ A smaller edition with just the English text was also published.

With the appearance of the 1930 Bekenntnisschriften critical text a new English version was deemed desirable. This was begun but left unfinished by John C. Mattes, who died in 1948. Theodore G. Tappert as general editor and translator produced the 1959 "Tappert Edition" along with Jaroslav Pelikan, Robert H. Fisher, and Arthur Carl Piepkorn.[3]

An extensive revision of the Tappert Edition came out in 2000 translated and edited by Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert. As with the Tappert Edition, the "Kolb-Wengert Edition" was translated by scholars from two different Lutheran denominations (the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).[4]

The most recent English version of the Book of Concord was published in 2005 to commemorate the 425th anniversary of the publication of the Book of Concord, and the 475th anniversary of the presentation of The Augsburg Confession.It is a revision of the English text of the Concordia Triglotta and entitled Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions—A Reader’s Edition of the Book of Concord and edited by Paul T. McCain, Edward A. Engelbrecht, Robert C. Baker, and Gene E. Veith.[5]​ A second edition followed in 2006.

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Elvisor (discusión) 10:12 26 nov 2015 (UTC)Responder

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Saludos.—InternetArchiveBot (Reportar un error) 22:49 5 nov 2017 (UTC)Responder

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Acabo de modificar 2 enlaces externos en Libro de la Concordia. Por favor tomaos un momento para revisar mi edición. Si tenéis alguna pregunta o necesitáis que el bot ignore los enlaces o toda la página en su conjunto, por favor visitad esta simple guía para ver información adicional. He realizado los siguientes cambios:

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Saludos.—InternetArchiveBot (Reportar un error) 23:40 28 may 2019 (UTC)Responder

  1. The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Theodore G. Tappert, editor, (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1959), v.
  2. The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert, eds., (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000), vii-viii.
  3. The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert, eds., (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000), viii.
  4. The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert, eds., (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2000), 107-109.
  5. Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions, Paul McCain, ed., St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 2005.
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