Discusión:Roberto Casarin

Último comentario: hace 5 años por InternetArchiveBot en el tema Enlaces externos modificados

Propuesta de borrado


Se propuso borrar el artículo por las siguientes razones: «Religious bias. Not fair: only critics. Not relevant. No reference to any website in Spanish. Anima Universale is not present in Spanish speaking countries».

  • Sesgo religioso. No es justo: son solo críticas. (Ya agregué un poco de texto para equilibrar las críticas).
  • No es relevante. (Es un pequeño grupo, y algún lector de Wikipedia puede buscar información en su propio idioma).
  • No se hace referencia a ninguna página web en español. (Agregué una cita de una revista sudamericana).
  • Anima Universale no está presente en los países de habla hispana. (Para volverse relevante, no es necesario que una cosa se encuentre en un país de habla hispana. Por ejemplo, si un hispanohablante quiere enterarse sobre el grupo Aum Shinrikyō [que no tiene presencia fuera de Japón), puede revisar su artículo en Wikipedia).

Rosarino (discusión) 12:50 16 ago 2014 (UTC)Responder


The "Controversia" section of this page is severe slander (difamación) and a complete falsity. It's a personal attack to a person and a Christian Church based only on gossip and religious bias: such serious claims must be supported with the reference to a conviction, otherwise it's slander. Therefore yesterday (17 august 2014) I requested the immediate deletion of this page with the following motivation:

«destruir|G2. Etiqueta. To write that "Roberto Casarin dirige una secta destructiva" is serious slander based on religious bias. He has never been tried nor convicted for any crime. In spite of this truth the user Rosarino is trying to keep this page full of biased gossip by some religious fanatics, in order to discredit this group without providing any reliable evidence to support their defamatory assertions. Many new religious movements are labeled as "secta destructiva" by religious fanatics everywhere on the web, but this fact is not reported in those movements's pages on Wikipedia, neither in the Spanish, nor in the English version. Such difference of treatment is not fair at all. I suppose Wikipedia is meant to be a collaborative Encyclopedia and not a tabloid. Therefore I'm asking to whom has the authority here: please delete this outraging page. It's not right to allow someone to use Wikipedia according to his own biased agenda in order to attack a good person's dignity and to throw mud at thousands of families that belong to the Church Anima Universale and do charitable work helping the poor in several parts of the world. I am horrified. (Riccardo)»;

Today 18 august 2014 the user Taichi removed my deletion request without giving any answer to my motivations. Moreover user Taichi protected the page with the motivation "Guerra de ediciones". This is not right. There is no "Guerra de ediciones" at all. Here I am trying to protect the dignity of a person from seriuos defamation. I have always written from the same IP and always motivated my actions. Users Rosarino and Taichi are abusing of their power in Wikipedia and instead of explaining me why they think that this page is not defamatory, they are protecting the defamatory content.

NOTE: I apologize again for writing in English. I don't speak Spanish. The dignity of a person whom I know and admire is more important than Wikipedia conventions for text formatting, which unfortunately seems esoteric to me.(Riccardo - 18 agosto 2014) (discusión) 14:59 18 ago 2014 (UTC)Responder


I apologize for writing in English.

  • The user Rosarino said clearly above that he just inserted some random text (from Catholic sources, thus not impartial) in order to keep the original content of this page, which is pure slander.
  • Here in this discussion Rosarino even makes a comparison between the relevance of Roberto Casarin and that of a convicted criminal—founder of a terrorist organization in Japan: this tells a lot about the fairness and the intents of Rosarino. He is not at all writing a fair encyclopedic description. It is apparent that he has a religious bias and works according to his own agenda in order to discredit other's religious faith.

I ask to whom has the authority here: please delete this outraging page.

It's not good to use Wikipedia to attack a person's dignity and to throw mud at thousands of families that belong to the church Anima Universale and do charity work helping the poor worldwide. I am outraged.

(Riccardo - 16 agosto 2014)

Eliminación de la propuesta de borrado.


Elimino la plantilla para editar y expandir el artículo. Dejo la explicación correspondiente en la discusión de la IP que propuso su borrado. --Edjoerv (Got something to say?) 19:55 18 ago 2014 (UTC)Responder

Enlaces externos modificados



Acabo de modificar 2 enlaces externos en Roberto Casarin. Por favor tomaos un momento para revisar mi edición. Si tenéis alguna pregunta o necesitáis que el bot ignore los enlaces o toda la página en su conjunto, por favor visitad esta simple guía para ver información adicional. He realizado los siguientes cambios:

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Saludos.—InternetArchiveBot (Reportar un error) 21:10 6 jul 2019 (UTC)Responder

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