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Wilfredo Mas Trigoso.
From the primitive society to our days passed thousands of years, the subject education was always present, in the light of the impetuous advance of technology and science, it is said that education holds a treasure, the four pillars of education, The new paradigms of pedagogy, no scientist, no important man who transcended history, no president of the most powerful country on the planet, was born with the gifts of previous knowledge, always needed the teaching of a teacher, following the logical sequence And pedagogical to achieve pedagogical skills, there are two themes that we have been dragging for many centuries.
Two sciences that has been articulating the educational process for many years in our country, those who direct the national policy use the "political decision" to comply with plans and programs of state policies and purely pedagogical science in the development of the process Educational at school.
Citizens' concern about the policies implemented by state drivers, in the face of the political crisis, values ​​are on the ground, related to the themes in question, being a citizen means intervening in decisions, debates and opinions in These issues, concerning the future generation, for example the crisis of values ​​in all fields of national life, in our times are occupied in all pages of political and educational history, from the fundamental cell of society, the community , The media, schools, colleges, universities, political parties and state entities, is plagued by anti values.
Faced with this serious crisis, education asks itself. What role does education play? The answer is almost null, because the improvisation and anarchy of those who run the country, do not clearly outline the policies in the different areas, if it is serious that we want Peruvians to leave the political and educational crisis, should apply plans and Programs in the short and long term.
In the DCN, DCR, DCC. In our days Routes of Learning, is limited to confining orientations to schools, forgetting that the family, society, the media and others, also educate and are much more consistent, because school is applied school pedagogy, What a pedagogical session does the teacher in 90 minutes, the students in the street, in front of the TV. Diluye in seconds, these exogenous elements, makes it difficult for the school to fulfill its pedagogical goals in values.
In this context political parties and schools must become a political and pedagogical space, however, parties remain in their bureaucratic labyrinth, small dictators and cadillos decide the life of the organization and when they come to government, improvise, generating total anarchy , Almost always ends up putting order, the army instituting a military dictatorship, so writes the history of Peru, similar attitude in the educational policy of the countries of Latin America.
Something similar happens at school, state policy decisions, curricular guidelines are curtailed, the school does not allow articulation with society, as if students lived on a wonder island, the old school continues to provide instruction In the previous mold where the anti values ​​are dragged, product of those who call them previous knowledge, the student takes to the school the anti values ​​of the home, the community of the TV, Radios and all means of communication, far from educate poison The student's mind.
This can not continue so, in the name of democracy can not poison the minds of students, tomorrow afternoon and night, it is time, put order in the media programming, state policy is more serious in terms of Education, the picture is bleak, teachers disheartened, dismissed, psychologically tortured, supposed pedagogical companions, confused with mistaken recipes, divided union, a ministry of education that does not take into account, teachers, to issue laws, With a divided school of teachers, with a beggar's salary, with a golden bureaucracy of the inexplicable ministry, the UGEL.es. Only table by the Ministry of Education, do not decide, nor direct in their sector in anything, their disappearance should be imminent, because they do not solve anything, on the contrary, complicate and generate problems. With a ridiculous budget, it is not possible to overcome the crisis of education in Peru.
{{Ficha de organización
|nombre = Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura