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El trafico de influencias esta penado en Costa Rica
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Línea 1:
El '''tráfico de influencias''' es una práctica ilegal, o al menos éticamente objetable, consistente en utilizar la [[influencia]] personal en ámbitos de [[gobierno]] o incluso [[empresa]]riales, a través de conexiones con personas, y con el fin de obtener favores o tratamiento preferencial. Naturalmente se buscan conexiones con amistades o conocidos para tener información, y con personas que ejerzan [[autoridad]] o que tengan poder de decisión, y a menudo esto ocurre a cambio de un [[pago]] en dinero o en especie, u otorgando algún tipo de privilegio. No obstante, la naturaleza ilegal del tráfico de influencias es relativa: la [[OECD]] ha utilizado a menudo la expresión "'''tráfico indebido de influencias'''" para referirse a actos ilegales o cuestionables de [[lobbying]].<ref>[http://www.oecd.org/document/32/0,3343,en_2649_37443_42694048_1_1_1_1,00.html Building a Cleaner World Economy].</ref>
El tráfico de influencias está penalizado en [[Francia]], [[España]], [[Portugal]], [[Perú]], [[Bélgica]], [[Brasil]], [[México]],<ref>http://web.archive.org/web/http://www.cem.itesm.mx/derecho/nlegislacion/federal/11/251.htm</ref> [[Argentina]], [[Rumania]], [[Colombia]], [[Guatemala]], [[Cuba]], [[Costa Rica]], y [[Venezuela]].<ref>Pietro Semeraro, ''[http://books.google.com.uy/books/about/I_delitti_di_millantato_credito_e_traffi.html?id=DeMVAQAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y I delitti di millantato credito e traffico di influenza]'', ed. Giuffre, Milán (2000).</ref>
Línea 5:
As of December 2008, The current [[Governor of Illinois]], [[Rod Blagojevich]] was accused of influence peddling in attempting to sell the [[US Senate|Senate]] seat vacated by [[President-elect]] [[Barack Obama]].<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/12/31/illinois.senate/index.html?eref=rss_topstories|title=Senate Democrats hope stalling can block Blagojevich's pick|last=Hornick|first=Ed|coauthors=Kristi Keck and Brianna Keilar|date=31 de diciembre de 2008|publisher=CNN|accessdate=31 de diciembre de 2008}}</ref>
In April 2009, former [[Newfoundland and Labrador|Newfoundland]] politician [[Ed Byrne (politician)|Ed Byrne]] was convicted of influence peddling for his actions in the Constituency Allowance Scandal. He was the first of four politicians convicted in relation to the Scandal and the remaining politicians are on or awaiting trial.esta mlfwa
As well, the [[mayor]] of [[Ottawa]], [[Larry O'Brien (Canadian politician)|Larry O'Brien]], began his trial on similar grounds in May 2009. O'Brien was accused of purported influence peddling. The trial is currently in session and live updates can be found from the [[Ottawa Citizen]] On August 5, 2009, both charges were dismissed by Justice Douglas Cunningham, associate chief justice of Ontario’s Superior Court.<ref>http://www.ottawacitizen.com/Charges+against+Brien+dismissed/1861956/story.html</ref>