Diferencia entre revisiones de «Congreso Mundial de Familias»

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El '''Congreso Mundial de Familias''' ({{lang-en|World Congress of Families}}, WCF) es una organización [[estadounidense]] que promueve internacionalmente valores e ideas del [[cristianismo]] [[Conservadurismo social|conservador]].<ref>{{cita libro|título = Globalizing Family Values: The Christian Right in International Politics|url = http://books.google.com.jm/books/about/Globalizing_family_values.html?id=11ojfI5UoqMC|autor1 = Doris Buss|autor2 = Didi Herman|editorial = University of Minnesota Press|año = 2003}}</ref> Se opone al [[matrimonio gay]], a la [[Antipornografía|pornografía]] y al [[aborto]], mientras apoya una sociedad construida sobre «la unión voluntaria de un hombre y una mujer de por vida en la alianza del matrimonio».<ref name="fox2007">{{cite web|url = http://www.foxnews.com/story/2007/05/10/american-conservatives-organize-social-issues-conference-in-poland/|title = American Conservatives Organize Social-Issues Conference in Poland|date = 10 de mayo de 2007|publisher = Fox News/Associated Press|accessdate = 31 de agosto de 2014|quote = The chief organizer is a Rockford, Illinois-based conservative think tank, the Howard Center. Co-sponsors include more than 20 other U.S. groups allied in opposition to abortion, gay marriage and other policies they blame for weakening traditional families in Western Europe.}}<br>
See also {{cite web|url = http://bigstory.ap.org/article/us-conservatives-suspend-plans-moscow-meeting-0|title = US Conservatives Suspend Plans for Moscow Meeting|author = DAVID CRARY|date = 25 de marzo de 2014|publisher = Associated Press|quote = A U.S.-based conservative group that supports Russia's efforts to curtail gay rights and abortion is suspending its plans for an international conference in Moscow}}</ref><ref>[http://worldcongress.org/ World Congress of Families] "The World Congress of Families (WCF) affirms and defends the natural family as the fundamental unit of civilizations.</ref><ref>{{cite web|last1 = Davidson|first1 = Kevin|title = Kevin Andrews books out parliament room for anti-gay marriage conference: Social services minister won’t attend ‘strengthening the family’ conference which has links to controversial Christian group|url = http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/27/kevin-andrews-books-parliament-room-anti-gay-marriage-group|publisher = The Guardian|accessdate = 29 de agosto de 2014|quote = The World Congress of Families is the global conservative Christian organisation which was scheduled to hold a controversial regional event in Melbourne this weekend}}</ref><ref>{{cita web|url = http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/world-congress-families-chooses-its-destination|título = The World Congress of Families Chooses Its Destination|autor = Kyle Mantyla|fecha = 8 de junio de 2008|obra = Right Wing Watch|editorial = People for the American Way|fechaacceso = 31 de agosto de 2014}}</ref> El WCF comprende organizaciones de varios países y la mayoría de sus socios seson autodenominan defensores muy activos de posiciones [[provida]] y puntos de vista cristianos sobre el matrimonio homosexual que se oponen a su existencia.<ref name="bfwcf">{{cita web|last1 = Di Stefano|first1 = Mark|título = World Congress Of Families Throws Support Behind Anti-Gay Marriage Summit In Australian Parliament|url = http://www.buzzfeed.com/markdistefano/wcf-comes-to-canberra|editorial = Buzzfeed|fechaacceso = 29 de agosto de 2014}}</ref> El WCF se fundó en 1997 y organiza regularmente convenciones internacionales a favor de su concepción de la familia.<ref name="lgbtq">{{cita web|título = HRC report examines World Congress of Families’ anti-gay influence, extremism|url = http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2014/08/hrc-report-examines-world-congress-of-families-anti-gay-influence-extremism/|editorial = LGBTQ Nation|fechaacceso = 29 de agosto de 2014}}</ref>
Su oposición al matrimonio de gay y el aborto ha atraído fuertes críticas,<ref>Véase por ejemplo esta lista de artículos de [[Catholics for Choice]]: {{cita web|título = Reports on Meetings Held by the World Congress of Families|url = http://www.catholicsforchoice.org/topics/oppositionwatch/default.asp#wcf|website = CatholicsforChoice.org|editorial = Catholics for Choice|fechaacceso = 30 de agosto de 2014}}</ref> y la organización ha sido añadida a la [[Grupos de odio antigay|lista de organizaciones denominadas «grupos de odio anti-gay»]] del [[Southern Poverty Law Center]] en febrero de 2014 por su implicación en la [[ley rusa contra la propaganda homosexual]] en 2013 y su oposición internacional a los [[Legislación sobre la homosexualidad en el mundo|derechos LGBT]].<ref name="Southern Poverty Law Center">{{cita web|título = World Congress of Families Suspends Russia Conference|url = http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2014/03/25/world-congress-of-families-suspends-russia-conference/|website = splcenter.org|editorial = Southern Poverty Law Center|fechaacceso = 29 de agosto de 2014}}</ref><ref name="Truth Wins Out">{{cita web|título = SPLC Adds Seven New Organizations To Anti-Gay Hate Group List22|url = http://www.truthwinsout.org/news/2014/02/39681/|website = truthwinsout.org|editorial = Truth Wins Out|fechaacceso = 29 de agosto de 2014}}</ref><ref name="The Daily Beast">{{cita web|last1 = Michaelson|first1 = Jay|título = The Kremlin’s Favorite Anti-Gay Hate Group is Coming to Utah|url = http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/07/19/the-kremlin-s-favorite-anti-gay-hate-group-is-coming-to-utah.html|editorial = The Daily Beast|fechaacceso = 29 de agosto de 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cita web|título = World Congress of Families Suspends Russia Conference|url = http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2014/03/25/world-congress-of-families-suspends-russia-conference/|editorial = Southern Poverty Law Center|fechaacceso = 1 de septiembre de 2014}}</ref>