Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sancho IV de Vasconia»

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Línea 13:
* Lewis, Archibald R. ''[http://libro.uca.edu/lewis/index.htm El Desarrollo de Sociedad francesa y catalana Del sur]'', 718@–1050. Universidad de Prensa de Texas: Austin, 1965.
* Cawley, Charles, Proyecto de Tierras Medievales: Gascon [[Category:All articles with self-published sources|Category:All articles with self-published sources]] [[Category:Articles with self-published sources from August 2012|Category:Articles with self-published sources from August 2012]] [[Category:All articles lacking reliable references|Category:All articles lacking reliable references]] [[Category:Articles lacking reliable references from August 2012|Category:Articles lacking reliable references from August 2012]] [[Category:Wikipedia articles incorporating an MLCC with a warning|Category:Wikipedia articles incorporating an MLCC with a warning]] y., base de datos de Tierras Medievales, Fundación para Genealogía Medieval [[Category:All articles with self-published sources|Category:All articles with self-published sources]] [[Category:Articles with self-published sources from August 2012|Category:Articles with self-published sources from August 2012]] [[Category:All articles lacking reliable references|Category:All articles lacking reliable references]] [[Category:Articles lacking reliable references from August 2012|Category:Articles lacking reliable references from August 2012]] [[Category:Wikipedia articles incorporating an MLCC with a warning|Category:Wikipedia articles incorporating an MLCC with a warning]]
* [https://books.google.com/books/pdf/Histoire_de_la_Gascogne.pdf?id=sHW_kCR87l8C&output=pdf&sig=KDJUp8tgj00AvnNhQuhkFl1Daow Monlezun, Jean Justin.] [https://books.google.com/books/pdf/Histoire_de_la_Gascogne.pdf?id=sHW_kCR87l8C&output=pdf&sig=KDJUp8tgj00AvnNhQuhkFl1Daow ''Histoire de la Gascogne.'' 1846.]
* Collins, Roger. ''Los vascos.'' Blackwell Publicando: Londres, 1990.