Diferencia entre revisiones de «Aliado importante extra-OTAN»

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Deshecha la edición 116153697 de (disc.)
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→‎Nombrados por mi: he echo algo:-D
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Línea 18:
=== Nombrados por mi ===
*{{bandera2|palestinaisrael}} (1996)<ref>{{cite web|author=Scott Stearns |url=http://www.voanews.com/content/afghanistan-designated-major-us-ally/1364693.html |title=Afghanistan Designated Major US Ally During Clinton Visit to Kabul |publisher=[[Voanews.com]] |date=7 de julio de 2012 |accessdate=31 de enero de 2014}}</ref>
*{{bandera2|Nueva Zelanda}} (1997)<ref name="22USC">{{usc|22|2321k}}</ref>
*{{bandera2|Argentina}} (1998)<ref>[http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/intlrel/hfa44953.000/hfa44953_0.htm ... represents our recognition of the importance of Argentina's leadership and cooperation in the field of international peacekeeping, notably during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm, in Haiti, in its role in supervising the peace between Peru and Ecuador, and in nearly a dozen other international peacekeeping efforts ...]</ref>