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Lajos Kossuth was born in Monok, Hungary, a small town in the county of Zemplén, as the oldest of four children. He was born into a Hungarian noble family. His father belonged to the lower nobility, had a small estate and was a lawyer by profession. The ancestors of the Kossuth family had lived in the county of Turóc (Slovak: Turiec) in the north of Hungary since the 13th century. The Slovak ancestry of Kossuth never became the topic of political debates because the family was part of the Hungarus nobility of the Kingdom of Hungary, Kossuth considered himself an ethnic Hungarian and stated that there was no Slovak nationality (also: "nation," "ethnic nation," "ethnicity") in the Kingdom of Hungary. He wrote abouth himself that "I was born Hungarian and brought up as a Hungarian." The mother of Lajos Kossuth, Karolina Weber, was born to a Lutheran family. -->
Nació en el seno de la familia noble húngara Kossuth de Kossuth et Udvard. '''Lajos Kossuth''' comenzó su carrera política en el año 1825 que quedó interrumpida entre 1837 y 1847. Regresará a la escena política de su país natal en 1848 durante las [[Revoluciones de 1848]] que sacudieron [[Europa]], ciclo revolucionario conocido también como Primavera de las Naciones, accediendo en aquel año al cargo de ministro de finanzas en el gobierno de [[Lajos Batthyány]].
Lajos Kossuth fue un ferviente nacionalista, contrario a mantener algunas concesiones a la [[Casa de Austria]], defendiendo la independencia de [[Hungría]]. Sus propósitos independentistas fueron aplastados en [[1849]], obligado a exiliarse, no pudo regresar a Hungría.