Diferencia entre revisiones de «Vinland»

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Línea 31:
''uin ka(lt)ą isa''<br />
''vindkalda á ísa''<br />
"sobre el hielo ventoso frio".<ref>P. B. Taylor, [https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2FBF01513578.pdf "The Hønen runes: A survey"], ''Neophilologus'' Volume 60, Issue 1 (January 1976), pp 1-7. VeaseVéase tambientambién: [http://www.geirodden.com/hoenen.html Texto y traduccion de la copia] {{Wayback|url=http://www.geirodden.com/hoenen.html |date=20150128133134 }} ''Geirodden.com''; C. Cavaleri (2008), [https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/26681/masteroppgaven.pdf?sequence=2 "The Vínland Sagas as Propaganda for the Christian Church: Freydís and Gudríd as Paradigms for Eve and the Virgin Mary"] Master's thesis, [[Universidad de Oslo]].</ref>
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