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[[Imagen:LocationBalticStatesInEurope.png|thumb|Las [[Repúblicas bálticas]] en [[Europa]].]]
[[Imagen:Territorial-changes-of-Poland-1635-2009-small.gif|thumb|Mapa de [[Europa Oriental]], al final se puede ver la anexión de las república bálticas por la [[Unión Soviética]].]]
La '''ocupación de los Estados bálticos''' implicó la [[ocupación militar]] en junio de 1940 de las tres [[repúblicas bálticas]] ([[Estonia]], [[Letonia]] y [[Lituania]]) por parte de la [[Unión Soviética]], bajo los auspicios del [[Pacto Mólotov-Ribbentrop]].<ref>{{cite book |title= Estonia: return to independence |last= Taagepera |first= Rein |authorlink= |year= 1993 |publisher= Westview Press |location= |isbn= 978-0-8133-1199-9 |page= 58 |pages= |url= |accessdate= }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1= Ziemele |first1= Ineta |last2= |first2= |year= 2003 |title= State Continuity, Succession and Responsibility: Reparations to the Baltic States and their Peoples? |journal= Baltic Yearbook of International Law |volume= 3 |issue= |pages= 165–190 |publisher= Martinus Nijhoff |doi= 10.1163/221158903x00072|url= |accessdate= }}</ref> Luego, estos territorios se incorporaron a la Unión Soviética como [[repúblicas sovieticassoviéticas|repúblicas constituyentes]] en agosto de 1940, aunque la mayoría de las potencias occidentales nunca reconocieron y ni aceptaron esta incorporación forzada y en buena medida arbitraria.<ref>{{Cite book|url= https://books.google.com/?id=GqwoQqPHQTIC&pg=PA79&dq=soviet+baltic+recognise+western#v=onepage&q=soviet%20baltic%20recognise%20western&f=false|title= Language Planning and Policy in Europe: The Baltic States, Ireland and Italy|last= Kaplan|first= Robert B.|last2= Jr|first2= Richard B. Baldauf|date= 1 de enero de 2008|publisher= Multilingual Matters|year= |isbn= 9781847690289|location= |pages= 79|language= en|quote= Most Western countries had not recognised the incorporation of the Baltic States into the Soviet Union, a stance that irritated the Soviets without ever becoming a major point of conflict.}}</ref><ref name="kavass">{{cite book |title= Baltic States |last= Kavass |first= Igor I. |year= 1972 |publisher= W. S. Hein |location= |isbn= |page= |url= https://books.google.com/?id=_LRAAAAAIAAJ&q=Baltic+states |quote= The forcible military occupation and subsequent annexation of the Baltic States by the Soviet Union remains to this day (written in 1972) one of the serious unsolved issues of international law}}</ref> El 22 de junio de 1941, la [[Alemania nazi]] [[Operación Barbarroja|atacó la Unión Soviética]] y en pocas semanas ocupó los territorios bálticos. En julio de 1941, el [[Tercer Reich]] incorporó el territorio báltico en su ''[[Reichskommissariat Ostland]]''. Como resultado de la [[Ofensiva del Báltico|ofensiva báltica]] del [[Ejército Rojo]] de 1944, la Unión Soviética recobró la mayoría de los Estados bálticos y atrapó a las fuerzas alemanas restantes en la [[bolsa de Curlandia]] hasta su rendición formal en mayo de 1945.<ref>{{cite book |title= The Oxford companion to World War II |last= Davies |first= Norman |authorlink= |editor1-first= Ian |editor1-last= Dear |others= Michael Richard Daniell Foot |year= 2001 |publisher= Oxford University Press |location= |isbn= 978-0-19-860446-4 |page= 85 |pages= |url= |accessdate= }}</ref> Esta "ocupación o anexión" soviética ({{lang-de | Annexionsbesetzung}}) u ocupación ''[[sui generis]]''<ref name="Mälksoo2003">[[#Mälksoo2003|Mälksoo (2003)]], p. 193.</ref> de los Estados bálticos, duró hasta agosto de 1991, cuando los tres países recuperaron finalmente su independencia.
Los propios Estados bálticos,<ref name="OPL">[http://www.am.gov.lv/en/latvia/history/occupation-aspects/ The Occupation of Latvia] {{Wayback|url=http://www.am.gov.lv/en/latvia/history/occupation-aspects/ |date=20071123015238 }} at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia</ref><ref>{{cite web |title = 22 September 1944 from one occupation to another | url= http://www.estemb.org/estonia/history/aid-775 | work= | publisher= Estonian Embassy in Washington | date= 22 de septiembre de 2008 | accessdate= 1 de mayo de 2009 |quote= For Estonia, World War II did not end, ''de facto'', until 31 August 1994, with the final withdrawal of former Soviet troops from Estonian soil.}}</ref> los [[Estados Unidos]]<ref>{{cite book |title= Encyclopedia of Soviet law |last= Feldbrugge |first= Ferdinand |author2= Gerard Pieter van den Berg |author3= William B. Simons |year= 1985 |publisher= BRILL |location= |isbn= 90-247-3075-9 |page= 461 |pages= |url= https://books.google.com/?id=j7gBESqTciYC&pg=PA461&dq |accessdate= |quote= On March 26, 1949, the US Department of State issued a circular letter stating that the Baltic countries were still independent nations with their own diplomatic representatives and consuls.}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | last= Fried | first= Daniel | title= U.S.-Baltic Relations: Celebrating 85 Years of Friendship | url= http://merln.ndu.edu/archivepdf/EUR/State/86539.pdf | date= 14 de junio de 2007 | work= | publisher= | accessdate= 29 de abril de 2009 | quote= From Sumner Wells' declaration of July 23, 1940, that we would not recognize the occupation. We housed the exiled Baltic diplomatic delegations. We accredited their diplomats. We flew their flags in the State Department's Hall of Flags. We never recognized in deed or word or symbol the illegal occupation of their lands. | deadurl= yes | archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20120819185542/http://merln.ndu.edu/archivepdf/EUR/State/86539.pdf | archivedate= 19 de agosto de 2012 | df= }}</ref> y sus tribunales de justicia,<ref>{{cite book |title= International Law Reports |last= Lauterpacht |first= E. |authorlink= |author2= C. J. Greenwood |year= 1967 |publisher= Cambridge University Press |location= |isbn= 0-521-46380-7 |page= |pages= 62–63 |url= https://books.google.com/?id=biAQiRhDsb0C&pg=PA62&dq |accessdate= |quote= The Court said: (256 N.Y.S.2d 196) "The Government of the United States has never recognized the forceful occupation of Estonia and Latvia by the Soviet Union of Socialist Republics nor does it recognize the absorption and incorporation of Latvia and Estonia into the Union of Soviet Socialist republics. The legality of the acts, laws and decrees of the puppet regimes set up in those countries by the USSR is not recognized by the United States, diplomatic or consular officers are not maintained in either Estonia or Latvia and full recognition is given to the Legations of Estonia and Latvia established and maintained here by the Governments in exile of those countries}}</ref> el [[Parlamento Europeo]],<ref name="europarl.europa.eu">[http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//NONSGML+MOTION+B6-2007-0215+0+DOC+PDF+V0//EN Motion for a resolution on the Situation in Estonia] by the [[European Parliament]], B6-0215/2007, 21.5.2007; [http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=PV&reference=20070524&secondRef=ITEM-009-04&language=EN&ring=P6-RC-2007-0205 passed 24.5.2007]. Retrieved 1 January 2010.</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last= Dehousse | first= Renaud | title= The International Practice of the European Communities: Current Survey | journal= European Journal of International Law |volume= 4 |issue= 1 | year= 1993 | pages= 141 | url= http://www.ejil.org/journal/Vol4/No1/sr1.html | accessdate= 9 de diciembre de 2006 |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20070927233741/http://www.ejil.org/journal/Vol4/No1/sr1.html <!-- Bot retrieved archive --> |archivedate = 27 de septiembre de 2007}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last= European Parliament | title= Resolution on the situation in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania | journal= Official Journal of the European Communities |volume= 42/78 | series= C | date= 13 de enero de 1983 | url= http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/80/Europarliament13011983.jpg }}</ref> el [[Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos]] y el [[Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas]]<ref name=un>{{cite web | title= Seventh session Agenda item 9 | url= http://daccessdds.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/G08/117/59/PDF/G0811759.pdf?OpenElement | work= | publisher= United Nations, Human Rights Council, Mission to Estonia | date= 17 de marzo de 2008 | accessdate= 1 de mayo de 2009 | quote= The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact in 1939 assigned Estonia to the Soviet sphere of influence, prompting the beginning of the first Soviet occupation in 1940. After the German defeat in 1944, the second Soviet occupation started and Estonia became a Soviet republic. }}{{dead link|date= February 2018 |bot= InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted= yes }}</ref> han declarado que estos tres países fueron invadidos, ocupados e incorporados ilegalmente en la Unión Soviética en virtud de las disposiciones<ref name=malksoo>{{cite book|author= Mälksoo, Lauri|year= 2003|title= Illegal Annexation and State Continuity: The Case of the Incorporation of the Baltic States by the USSR|location= Leiden&nbsp;– Boston|publisher= Brill| isbn= 90-411-2177-3}}</ref> del Pacto Mólotov-Ribbentrop de 1939. Siguió la ocupación por la Alemania nazi de 1941 a 1944 y luego la ocupación por la Unión Soviética de 1944 a 1991.<ref>"The Soviet Red Army retook Estonia in 1944, occupying the country for nearly another half century." Frucht, Richard, ''Eastern Europe: An Introduction to the People, Lands, and Culture'', ABC-CLIO, 2005 {{ISBN| 978-1-57607-800-6}}, p. 132</ref><ref>{{cite news |first= |last= |title= Russia and Estonia agree borders |work= BBC |page= |date= 18 May 2005 |accessdate= 29 de abril de 2009 |url= http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4559187.stm|quote= Five decades of almost unbroken Soviet occupation of the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania ended in 1991}}</ref><ref>[http://www.fco.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1007029394365&a=KCountryProfile&aid=1019233911509 Country Profiles: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania] at UK Foreign Office</ref><ref name=autogenerated1>The World Book Encyclopedia {{ISBN |0-7166-0103-6}}</ref><ref>The History of the Baltic States by Kevin O'Connor {{ISBN|0-313-32355-0}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last= Saburova | first= Irina | title= The Soviet Occupation of the Baltic States | journal= [[Russian Review]] |volume= 14 |issue= 1 | year= 1955 | pages= 36–49 | doi= 10.2307/126075 | publisher= Blackwell Publishing | jstor=126075 }}</ref><ref>See, for instance, position expressed by the European Parliament, which condemned "the fact that the occupation of these formerly independent and neutral States by the Soviet Union occurred in 1940 following the Molotov/Ribbentrop pact, and continues." {{cite journal | last= European Parliament | title= Resolution on the situation in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania | journal= Official Journal of the European Communities |volume= 42/78 | series= C | date= 13 de enero de 1983 | url= http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/80/Europarliament13011983.jpg}}</ref><ref>"After the German occupation in 1941–44, Estonia remained occupied by the Soviet Union until the restoration of its independence in 1991." {{cite court |litigants= KOLK AND KISLYIY v. ESTONIA |court= [[European Court of Human Rights]] |vol= |reporter= |opinion= |pinpoint= |date= 17 de enero de 2006 |url= http://cmiskp.echr.coe.int/tkp197/view.asp?action=html&documentId=792672&portal=hbkm&source=externalbydocnumber&table=F69A27FD8FB86142BF01C1166DEA398649 }}</ref> Esta política de no reconocimiento ha dado lugar al principio de continuidad legal de los Estados bálticos, que sostiene que ''[[de jure]]'', o como cuestión de derecho, los Estados bálticos habían permanecido como Estados independientes bajo ocupación ilegal durante el período de 1940 a 1991.<ref name=smith>David James Smith, ''Estonia: independence and European integration'', Routledge, 2001, {{ISBN| 0-415-26728-5}}, pXIX</ref><ref name="Parrott 1995">{{cite book |title= State building and military power in Russia and the new states of Eurasia |last= Parrott |first= Bruce |authorlink= |year= 1995 |publisher= M.E. Sharpe |location= |isbn= 1-56324-360-1 |page= |pages= [https://archive.org/details/statebuildingmil05parr/page/112 112–115] |chapter= Reversing Soviet Military Occupation |chapterurl= https://books.google.com/books?id=rhKYfA5x3eYC&pg=PA112&dq |url= https://archive.org/details/statebuildingmil05parr/page/112 |accessdate= }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last1= Van Elsuwege |first1= Peter |url= http://www.ecmi.de/uploads/tx_lfpubdb/working_paper_20.pdf |date= April 2004 |title= Russian-speaking minorities in Estonian and Latvia: Problems of integration at the threshold of the European Union |origyear= |publisher= European Centre for Minority Issues |location= Flensburg Germany |page= 2 |quote= The forcible incorporation of the Baltic states into the Soviet Union in 1940, on the basis of secret protocols to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, is considered to be null and void. Even though the Soviet Union occupied these countries for a period of fifty years, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania continued to exist as subjects of international law. |fechaacceso= 10 de octubre de 2018 |urlarchivo= https://web.archive.org/web/20150923233231/http://www.ecmi.de/uploads/tx_lfpubdb/working_paper_20.pdf |fechaarchivo= 23 de septiembre de 2015 }} {{Wayback|url=http://www.ecmi.de/uploads/tx_lfpubdb/working_paper_20.pdf |date=20150923233231 }}</ref>
En su revaluación de la historia soviética que comenzó durante la ''[[Perestroika]]'' en 1989, la Unión Soviética condenó el protocolo secreto de 1939 entre Alemania y ella misma.<ref name=autogenerated2>[https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&lr=&q=%221939+secret+protocol%22&btnG=Search The Forty-Third Session of the UN Sub-Commission] {{Wayback|url=https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&lr=&q=%221939+secret+protocol%22&btnG=Search |date=20151019082434 }} at Google Scholar</ref> Sin embargo, la Unión Soviética nunca reconoció formalmente su presencia en el Báltico como una ocupación o que anexó estos Estados<ref name="Marek1968">[[#Marek1968|Marek (1968)]]. p. 396. "Insofar as the Soviet Union claims that they are not directly annexed territories but autonomous bodies with a legal will of their own, they (The Baltic SSRs) must be considered puppet creations, exactly in the same way in which the Protectorate or Italian-dominated Albania have been classified as such. These puppet creations have been established on the territory of the independent Baltic states; they cover the same territory and include the same population."</ref> y consideró a las Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas de [[República Socialista Soviética de Estonia|Repúblicas Socialistas Soviéticas de Estonia]], [[República Socialista Soviética de Letonia|Letonia]] y [[República Socialista Soviética de Lituania|Lituania]] como tres de sus repúblicas constituyentes. Por otro lado, la [[República Socialista Federativa Soviética de Rusia]] reconoció en 1991 los eventos de 1940 como "anexión".<ref>Zalimas, Dainius "Commentary to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Compensation of Damage Resulting from the Occupation of the USSR" - Baltic Yearbook of International Law. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, {{ISBN| 978-90-04-13746-2}}</ref> La [[historiografía]] rusa nacionalista-patriótica<ref name="Sokolov" /> y los libros de texto escolares continúan sosteniendo que los Estados bálticos se unieron voluntariamente a la Unión Soviética después de que todos sus pueblos llevaron a cabo revoluciones socialistas independientes de la influencia soviética.<ref>{{cite book |title= Teaching the violent past: history education and reconciliation |last= Cole |first= Elizabeth A. |authorlink= |year= 2007 |publisher= Rowman & Littlefield |location= |isbn= 0-7425-5143-1 |page= |pages= 233–234 |chapter= |url= https://books.google.com/books?id=rWDs3Q3sKQ0C&pg=PA233#v |quote= }}</ref> El gobierno post soviético de la [[Federación Rusa]] y sus funcionarios estatales insisten en que la incorporación de los Estados bálticos se realizó de conformidad con el derecho internacional<ref>{{cite book |title= Inside The Soviet Alternate Universe |last= Combs |first= Dick |authorlink= |year= 2008 |publisher= Penn State Press |location= |isbn= 978-0-271-03355-6 |page= |pages= 258, 259 |url= https://books.google.com/?id=U9twRiRKd6wC&pg=PA258&dq |accessdate= |quote= The Putin administration has stubbornly refused to admit the fact of Soviet occupation of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia following World War II, although Putin has acknowledged that in 1989, during Gorbachev's reign, the Soviet parliament officially denounced the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939, which led to the forcible incorporation of the three Baltic states into the Soviet Union.}}</ref><ref>{{cite book |title= Cold peace |last= Bugajski |first= Janusz |authorlink= |year= 2004 |publisher= Greenwood Publishing Group |location= |isbn= 0-275-98362-5 |page= 109 |pages= |url= https://books.google.com/?id=YOeeyIT6B4wC&pg=PA109&dq |accessdate= |quote= Russian officials persistently claim that the Baltic states entered the USSR voluntarily and legally at the close of World War II and failed to acknowledge that Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania were under Soviet occupation for fifty years.}}</ref> y se ganó el reconocimiento ''de jure'' por los acuerdos celebrados en las [[conferencia de Yalta|conferencias de Yalta]] de febrero de 1945 y [[Conferencia de Potsdam|Potsdam]] de julio y agosto de 1945 y por los [[Acuerdos de Helsinki]] de 1975,<ref name="midrf1">[http://grani.ru/Politics/Russia/m.88902.html ''МИД РФ: Запад признавал Прибалтику частью СССР''], grani.ru, May 2005</ref><ref name="midrf2">[http://www.latvia.mid.ru/news/ru/050507.html ''Комментарий Департамента информации и печати МИД России в отношении "непризнания" вступления прибалтийских республик в состав СССР''] {{Wayback|url=http://www.latvia.mid.ru/news/ru/050507.html |date=20060509120150 }}, [[Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores (Rusia)]], 7 May 2005</ref> que declararon la inviolabilidad de las fronteras existentes.<ref name="HidenMadeSmith2008">[[#HidenMadeSmith2008|Khudoley (2008)]], ''Soviet foreign policy during the Cold War, The Baltic factor'', p. 90.</ref> Sin embargo, Rusia aceptó la demanda de Europa de "ayudar a las personas deportadas de los Estados bálticos ocupados" al unirse al [[Consejo de Europa]] en 1996.<ref>{{cite journal |last1= Zalimas|first1= Dainius |last2= |first2= |title= Commentary to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Compensation of Damage Resulting from the Occupation of the USSR |journal= Baltic Yearbook of International Law |volume= 3 |issue= |pages= 97–164 |publisher= Martinus Nijhoff Publishers |doi= 10.1163/221158903x00063|url= https://books.google.com/books?id=7j82fTuPRr8C&pg=PA157 |accessdate= |isbn= 978-90-04-13746-2 |date= 1 de enero de 2004 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= http://assembly.coe.int/Documents/AdoptedText/TA96/Eopi193.htm |title= OPINION No. 193 (1996) on Russia's request for membership of the Council of Europe |author= Parliamentary Assembly |year= 1996 |work= |publisher= Council of Europe |accessdate= 22 May 2011 |deadurl= yes |archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20110507061254/http://assembly.coe.int/Documents/AdoptedText/ta96/EOPI193.htm |archivedate= 7 May 2011 |df= }}</ref><ref name="CoEoccupied" /> Además, cuando la República Socialista Federativa Soviética de Rusia firmó un tratado por separado con Lituania en 1991, reconoció que el 1940 la anexión como una violación de la soberanía lituana y reconoció la continuidad ''de jure'' del Estado lituano.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=
Zalimas|first1= Dainius |last2= |first2= |title= Commentary to the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Compensation of Damage Resulting from the Occupation of the USSR |journal= Baltic Yearbook of International Law |volume= 3 |issue= |pages= 97–164 |publisher= Martinus Nijhoff Publishers |doi= 10.1163/221158903x00063|url= https://books.google.com/books?id=7j82fTuPRr8C&pg=PA116 |accessdate= |isbn= 978-90-04-13746-2 |date= 1 de enero de 2004 }}</ref><ref name=RussLithTreaty />