


The Caleuche (from the Mapudungun kalewtun, "to transform, to change" and che, "people": "transformed people"), also called Art Ship, Barcoiche, Ghost Ship, or The Warlocks' Ship, is a legendary ghost ship from Chiloé mythology in southern Chile.

Origen of the legend and versions


The legend of The Caleuche is related with many aspects of the history and beliefs of the Chiloé Archipelago.

From the book of Chiloé mythology, (author Renato Cárdenas) Compilation of stories, legends, and magical beliefs from oral tradition:

The Caleuche is the Sailor, the Art Ship, the Fire Ship, the Barcoiche, all names given to The Caleuche, that marvelous ship that carries music and light through the many channels of Chiloé. Certain conditions, like foggy days, make it possible to see or feel it. Noises of chains, parties, music, and a masterful figure of a training ship, make it unmistakable. For some it's a disembodied vision and it can pass through other vessels, while others point out that they have been to parties inside of it, although they prefer to do them on land, where there are women. For that they arrange with merchants that have many daughters and The Caleuche provides them merchandise as compensation, thus the locals explain the rapid emergence of some merchants who aren't seen buying anything, but prosper quickly. Those protected by The Caleuche generally have black hens and tarred boats with ropes made of quilineja.

The Caleuche can disappear and adopt the form that it wishes to avoid being seen, and the sailors can transform into wolves or cahueles (dolphins). Another quality is the extraordinary speed that it reaches. To observe it and not be seen, you must cover your mouth, because the first thing that it feels is your breath. There are also some trees behind which one can hide so as to not be taken by The Caleuche, among them the maqui and the tique. People are afraid of being taken by the Art Ship, so it never hurts to take precautions.

Many think that the sailors of this boat have one leg attached to their spine, like the invunche, however, others describe them as very well presented people with special clothing and when greeting them they shake with very cold hands. In general they are courteous in their treatment and with help from their collaborators from the sea they pick up castaways. Some think that their final port is the City of the Caesars, a marvelous place set deep in the Andes Mountains where its residents live forever. When sailing, the people of Chiloé recommend that one does it with respect, and should not sing, whistle, or create disorder, as this angers The Caleuche.

Among the various hypothesis that have been proposed on the origin of the legend, it's suggested that it could be a readaptation of the European legend of the ghost ship known as "The Flying Dutchman". It has also been argued that it's based on real events, such as the disappearance of the Dutch ship "The Calanche" or the mysterious disappearances of Spanish expeditions to the Strait of Magellan. Another possibility is that the legend is based on the arrival of Dutch corsair ships to the archipelago, led by Baltazar de Cordes in an expedition that seized the island for a brief period in 1600. Another interpretation holds that it was originally only an invention to hide smuggling operations in the Chiloé Archipelago.

There are also those who relate its origin with the phenomenon of USOs (unidentified submersible objects).

Ultimately, several versions exist that complement each other and/or that differ more or less in the details. However, what they all point out is that it would be about a ship that can appear and disappear in the middle of the night and that it would be dangerous to meet this mythical ship. The most accepted theory indicates that it's a ship that collects the dead and they live forever in it, surrounded by parties and celebrations.

Magical Ship Home of the Dead at Sea


A popular version says that this ship collects the dead from the waters and gives them a new life on board as crew members that will spend eternity partying and celebrating. The magic ship was created by Millalobo for Pincoya and her brothers so that they could fulfil this purpose.

Cursed Ship of Enslaved Sailors and Fishermen


Another version tells that the mythical ship would also appear in the seas of Chiloé to attract the fishermen with wonderful music and turn them into enslaved crew members who would be cursed for all of eternity with one leg attached to their back like the Invunche, with the goal of using them as eternal servants of its crew.

Magical Transport Ship of the Warlocks of Chiloé


As widespread as the idea that it's a ship of the dead and enslaved sailors, there is the version that it would also be a magical ship in which the warlocks of Chiloé have their parties and transport merchandise. However, it is said that only warlocks can approach it and only using the Chilote Sea Horse as a means of transportation; since by orders of Millalobo, it's forbidden for other beings to board it or access the ship by other means.