This substance that has hard parts, in an aqueous and air type.

It is known as "HYDROCARBONS" because they are formed by small parts of:






-Some Metals

We can see it in sedimentary stone holes and only where there is or was water.

The oil can be found in various colors such as:







All the oil is far away, so much that it has to be brought to the factories to process it by means of giant tubes 30 meters high and 10 wide that connect to giant metal drums where this natural gas accumulates and then sell it or process it.

This world uses gas natural gas called "petroleum" to:

-To make gasoline, dixel, magna, among others

-To cover roofs, walls, dogs, among others.

-To make t-shirts, pants, shoes, among others.

-To make bottles, garafones, backpacks and condoms.

This mass of black water is:

-More light than the same water as it weighs 0.80 Kgr./It

-It is very stinky when you have your PH very high and a smell of roses when you have it low.

-It is very gelatinous it can slip like soap in spring.

-It can never boil the oil for being black.

-It is very bright when it is night and infrared vision is used.

There is only one type of oil and it is:

Paratonerigiliticosnetos: C n H2n+2