Usuario:Frank Cazorla/Taller

Frank Cazorla & Rosa G. Baena PhD Historians

Professors Frank Cazorla, Rosa and mayor of Malaga

Frank Cazorla, also known as Francisco J. Cazorla-Granados (born 1973) is a european historian specializing in biographies thanks to several methods related to family history or search for ancestors and descendants. Cazorla has specialized in biographies of protagonists of History who have pioneered key positions in Modern History although they have gone unnoticed and, after years of research between archives, he and his team of historians have unveiled new keys to world history; examples of this have been his works on Gov. Louis de Unzaga, a pioneer in helping the United States of America be born or the life of who was one of the first chief inspectors of education. A lot of his biographies are linked to Freemasonry and spy networks for example on the main man of confidence of Joseph Bonaparte. Most of his works have been made thanks to the close collaboration of his wife, Rosa G. Baena.


Biography:  Frank was born in 1973 in the city of Malaga, Southern of European Union. He served several callings as first consellior Presidency of Andalusia of missionary of District to The Church of Jesus-Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He was married in London to Rosa G. Baena, who also is a PhD professor, both are working for the Government since 2003. They are Multifaceted: scouts, Art History, painting, ecology, literature, LDS Church, CEO of Genealogy Research Center and Multiculture.

Cazorla family in 2003, Gerald Brenan Award

  1. His wife Rosa G. Baena PhD, also known as Rosa M. Garcia Baena: licensed a degree of 5 years in Spanish Language & Literature, later she got a PhD in History and the Diploma of Classical languages (Latin & Greek) Both authors are working for the Government as professors.

Awards and honors:  he licensed a degree of 5 years in Geography & History, later he got a doctorate (PhD) in History with the qualification of Cum Laude in Malaga University. She obtained her degree in Hispanic Philology (Spanish Language and Literature), graduated in Classical Philology (Latin and Greek) and earned a PhD in History. Both obtained Research Sufficiency with Outstanding in all subjects.

The Cazorla couple was awarded for their historical research with the Gerald Brenan Award 2003 by National Distance University. He received the Fifth Centenary of Velez de la Gomera Award from the Chief Mayor of State of the Army in 2008.

2. CEO and President of `Louis de Unzaga Historical Society´

  1. Books of Frank Cazorla & Rosa G. Baena
    Works:    Books and articles

The Gov. Louis de Unzaga:  For almost ten years, under the leadership of professor Frank Cazorla, Ph.D., a group of historians, coordinated their researching efforts in the archives of several countries to gather information about Luis de Unzaga, an important figure in the early history of the United States.

Frank Cazorla and his team of co-authors have unveiled new keys to world history in tracking down biographical data about Governor Luis de Unzaga and his family:

Gov. Unzaga, the conciliator and peacemaker, LUIS DE UNZAGA (1717-1793). Pioneer involved in the birth of the United States of America and of liberalism”

"Governor Louis de Unzaga, a conciliator and pioneer, is credited with creating (1) the first bilingual public education system in the US, (2) helping colonists in their fight for US Independence, by a spy network that included freemasons like Washington.  (3) Unzaga continued coordinating aid from the captaincies of Venezuela and Havana, where he was received and acted in the capacity of a diplomat to the English Prince, prior to reaching Peace.  

The co-authors/historians began their investigation by researching the family histories and lineage of the ancestors of both Unzaga-Gardoqui and his wife Elizabeth Saint Maxent, who created first bilingual public schools and a philanthropic Association of Ladies for the care of foundling children, among whom were his Galvez nephews.

Their children: Mariano, who accompanied Bonaparte in his exile to USA and Francisco, a Liberal who supported Torrijos, went into exile in England, and from Gibraltar returned to Spain to achieve democracy.

Cazorla marriage in News

  1. Una figura para el estudio del Regeneracionismo gallego: el catedrático Nicolás Díaz López (1871-1938)

Francisco José Cazorla-Granados

La Masonería española en la época de Sagasta / coord. por José Antonio Ferrer Benimeli, Vol. 1, Educación del Gobierno de Aragón, 2007, ISBN 978-84-8380-051-5, págs. 529-544

  1. García Baena, Rosa María, Los Poza-Juncal, una familia expedientada. / coord. por José Antonio Ferrer Benimeli, Vol. 1, Educación del Gobierno de Aragón, 2007, (ISBN obra completa: 978-84-8380-050-8
  1. La pervivencia de La Escuela Nueva en la escuela franquista. La inspectora-jefe María Victoria Díaz Riva (1904-1992)

Francisco José Cazorla-Granados

Tesis doctoral dirigida por Marion Reder Gadow (dir. tes.). Universidad de Málaga (2003).

  1. La inspectora-jefe de educación de Málaga y Melilla, María Victoria Díaz Riva, pionera entre hombres

Francisco José Cazorla-Granados, Rosa María García Baena

Jábega, CEDMA, ISSN 0210-8496, Nº. 108, 2016 (Ejemplar dedicado a: La Educación en Málaga), págs. 101-111

  1. María Victoria Díaz Riva, una pionera entre hombres. La inspectora-jefe de Educación de Málaga y Melilla

Francisco José Cazorla-Granados, Rosa María García Baena

Educa Nova: colección de artículos técnicos de educación, Nº. 9, 2019 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Historia de la Inspección de Educación en España), págs. 121-136

  1. Masonería y educación durante el franquismo: la "ilustre inspectora" María Victoria Díaz Riva

Rosa María García Baena, Francisco José Cazorla-Granados

Universidad de Málaga (UMA), 2006. ISBN 978-84-9747-153-9

  1. Otras voces femeninas: educación y producción literaria en las logias teosóficas

Rosa María García Baena, Francisco José Cazorla-Granados

Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Málaga, 2010. ISBN 978-84-9747-305-7

  1. F. Cazorla, member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
    El malagueño Mariano de Unzaga: hombre de confianza de José I Bonaparte, Francisco José Cazorla-Granados, Rosa María García Baena, Jábega, Málaga, 2020.
  1. References: