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Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Helga de Alvear

Fachada del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Helga de Alvear
País España
Localidad Cáceres
Dirección Calle Pizarro, 8, 10003 Cáceres
Tipo y colecciones
Colecciones Helga de Alvear
Sitio web oficial

The Museum of Conterporary Art Helga de Alvear (previously Centre for the Visual Arts Helga de Alvear Foundation) is located in Cáceres, Spain. It hosts the collection of galerist Helga de Alvear; it gathers the most comprehensive private collection of contemporary art, with more than 3 works of contemporary artists.[1]

It is overseen by the Helga de Alvear Foundation, a non-profit cultural institution which owes its name to its owner. It is also supported by other - public and private- institutions, such as the Junta do Extremadura, the Diputación Provincial de Cáceres, the Ayuntamiento de Cáceres (Cáceres City council) and the Universidad de Extremadura, as well as other private members. [2]



The galery owner tried to establish her collection in various cities in Spain, including Córdoba (where her husband, Jaime de Alvear, was from), Vigo or Granada. Helga de Alvear herself tells how the process of finding a location was complicated until she found Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra, President of Extremadura's Government at the time, who was interested in keeping the works in Cáceres.[3]​ The Helga de Alvear Foundation was created in 2006, through which she began to manage her collection.[2]

On January 22, 2003, as a result of these aforementioned conversations between the then president of the Junta de Extremadura and Helga de Alvear, the latter confirmed that her works of art would remain in Cáceres. The interest in conserving the collection in the city of Cáceres was mutual, so it was decided that it would remain there. Thus, in that same confirmation from the gallery owner, it was already made public that the collection would be housed in the Casa Grande building, which would probably open in 2004. In addition, the forecast of creating a public-private foundation to manage the centre.[4]

On June 3, 2010, the so-called Helga de Alvear Foundation for the Visual Arts Centre was inaugurated in Cáceres in its first phase, in the modernist building rehabilitated by Emilio Tuñón and Luis Moreno Mansilla. During that period as a centre for visual arts, fourteen exhibitions were held that showed the public a part of the works of art in the gallery owner's possession, with the exhibition of around 800 works from her collection. In those first ten years, 1,671 works by 630 different artists were displayed at the Centre for Visual Arts with almost 170,000 visitors. In addition, were 1504 guided or private visits and workshops held at the time.[5][6]

In 2020 it changed its name from "arts centre" to "museum", since the museum and foundation had come to share headquarters in the same building. As before, temporary exhibitions are held at the museum, but with the addition that some works can be admired permanently in a new building created to measure to house the Collection.[7]



One of the buildings that make up this museum is the Casa Grande, built in 1910 by the architect Francisco de la Pezuela y Ramírez. The University of Extremadura bought the property in 1979 and ceded it for 50 years to the Junta de Extremadura.[8]​In 2010, as a result of previous agreements between the Junta de Extremadura and Alvear, it began to exhibit part of the Helga de Alvear collection.[6]

Fachada del nuevo edificio del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Helga de Alvear realizado por el estudio de Tuñón Arquitectos

The decision that Cáceres would be the definitive location of the museum that would exhibit and store its collection compared to others where the gallery owner also already had part of its works was based precisely on the building. Other options such as San Sebastián or Granada offered rehabilitation of existing buildings, while the city of Extremadura did include the possibility of a new building in which to gather all its pieces.[1][9]

For the construction of this new building, a public competition was called in 2005 that finally was won by the project of the Mansilla + Tuñón Arquitectos studio.[1]​ This project included the rehabilitation of the modernist building of the Casa Grande and its extension with a new construction of contemporary style. This study was in charge of the restoration of the Casa Grande in its first stage and would later be in charge of the extension.[9]​ This project was presentedin 2014, which was intended to be a union between the old (the historical Cáceres and World Heritage Site) and the modern and present-day.[10][11]

The idea for this building in its conception was to reinstate the use of transit space for which the area outside the walls in which it is located once served. Thus, the challenge when conceiving this space was to save the different heights at which the site is located, which has been achieved, in part, thanks to the walkable roof of the new building. In this way, the work that concerns the "Casa Grande" and its extension with an adjoining construction, converts both spaces into a new form of pedestrian communication in the city for two spaces with different elevations. Arquitectura Viva magazine has described this project as follows:[10]

In the same way that art, previously the privilege of an elite, becomes accessible, the project also wants to dilute the limit between what belongs to everyone and what belongs to a few, articulating in the gaps [...], a public artery that crosses, without touching it, the private sphere.[10]

This project was expected to finish the work in 2017 and inaugurate the new museum in 2018. However, due to a complaint from an adjoining hotel and various difficulties, its inauguration was delayed.[5]​ Finally, this occurred three years later than expected, on February 25, 2021.[12]​ The new museum building is erected in white concrete and formed on the outside by 500 white columns, something characteristic of this author. It has large galleries four and a half meters high and, in addition, there are three more nine-meter-high rooms for larger-scale works. This feeling of spaciousness is achieved with the white plaster interior and an industrial-style floor.[9]​ José María Viñuela has been in charge of conditioning the interior of the museum, in the position of architect-interior designer.[7]

The museum was extended from 3,000 square metres to 5,000, in addition to 8,000 square metres of garden.[13]

This significant expansion has had a cost of 10 million euros, half financed by Alvear and the Junta de Extremadura.[14]​ The building produced by the Emilio Tuñón studio was awarded the Architecture MasterPrize and was a candidate for the Mies van der Rohe architecture award.[12]



En el museo se hallan expuestas 200 de las alrededor de 3000 obras de más de 500 artistas de todo el mundo que conforman la colección de Helga de Alvear. Es una colección diversa la que se expone en el museo, pues en ella se encuentran trabajos de fotografía, vídeo e instalaciones, además de las artes plásticas.[15][16]

Artistas en exposición


Algunas de sus obras y artistas en exposición son:

Obras destacadas


Algunas de las obras más importantes expuestas son:[9][16][20]

Véase también



  1. a b c David Vigario (24 de enero de 2021). «Helga de Alvear abre su museo en Cáceres, la mayor colección privada expuesta en Europa». 
  2. a b «Helga de Alvear». CaixaForum. 
  3. Andrés Fernández Rubio (3 de agosto de 2016). «Helga de Alvear: “El arte siempre es una apuesta arriesgada”». 
  4. L. B. (23 de enero de 2003). «Cáceres tendrá la colección de arte contemporáneo de Helga de Alvear». 
  5. a b Europa Press (3 de junio de 2020). «El Centro Helga de Alvear de Cáceres celebra su décimo aniversario y pasará a llamarse Museo de Arte Contemporáneo». 
  6. a b Cristina Núñez (4 de junio de 2020). «El Centro Helga de Alvear de Cáceres cumple 10 años a un paso de inaugurar su ampliación». 
  7. a b Javier Díaz-Guardiola (13 de mayo de 2020). «Helga de Alvear: «¿Se puede separar la labor de galerista y coleccionista?»». 
  8. C.N.N. (25 de julio de 2010). «Álbum de fotos de la Casa Grande». 
  9. a b c d Sergio del Amo (26 de febrero de 2021). «¿Qué hay que ver en Cáceres? Sin duda, uno de los mejores museos de nuestro país». 
  10. a b c «Fundación Helga de Alvear, Cáceres». Arquitectura Viva. 
  11. «Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Helga de Alvear / Emilio Tuñón Arquitectos». Plataforma Arquitectura. 
  12. a b Marta Sahelices (25 de febrero de 2021). «Museo Helga de Alvear: y el arte se topó con Cáceres». 
  13. Cristina Núñez (23 de febrero de 2019). ««He vivido la II Guerra Mundial, no puedo ser de ultraderecha»». 
  14. E. P. (24 de febrero de 2021). «Cáceres en el circuito internacional del arte contemporáneo». 
  15. Helga de Alvear (transcripción de Idoia Sota) (24 de febrero de 2021). «Helga de Alvear: “Hay obras de mi colección que no he visto (hasta hoy)”». 
  16. a b c d e f g h «El nuevo Museo Helga de Alvear en Cáceres». Neo2. 
  17. Saioa Camarzana (25 de febrero de 2021). «Helga de Alvear inaugura su museo: "El arte es como una droga"». 
  18. Cristina Núñez (6 de octubre de 2020). «Los 'Caprichos' de Goya recibirán a los visitantes del Museo Helga de Alvear». 
  19. a b c d Remedios Lasso, Javier (12 de febrero de 2016). «Helga de Alvear. Los cimientos de una gran colección». Universidad de Extremadura. Consultado el 26 de marzo de 2021. 
  20. María Jesús Revilla (26 de febrero de 2021). «ABRE EL NUEVO MUSEO DE ARTE CONTEMPORÁNEO HELGA DE ALVEAR, EN CÁCERES». 

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