Energía hidráulica | Bioalcohol | Biocombustible | Biodiésel | Biogás | Biomasa |

The glaciers of Norway react strongly to atmospheric warming by enhanced melt, p.117 In Norway the increased winter snow fall 1992-5 reduced fish growth by 50%, p.209. Glaciers in the European Alps reached their maximum around year 1850. The loss was 50 % by 2000, p. 136. The Himalayas provide water to people through Asia and influence the lives of 40 % of the world’s population, p. 130. The Himalaya is the source of the Yangtse, Mekong, Brahmaputra, Ganges and Indus (p. 227, Kathmandu, Nepal). Agriculture consumes 90 % of water resources. During dry years, the input of glacier water could be as high as 70–80 % and 20–40 % in normal years. Since 2000 they have been retreating considerably, p.135. New York City is especially vulnerable to major hurricanes, p. 174.