My name is Waye Mason and I don't go out for nick names and aliases any more. Back when I first got on BBSes in the 1980s, I went by Thanatos and Caeser, but god, so did every other 14 year old boy. I pretty much go by Waye or Waysie, which was my fathers nick name for me. I am now 33.

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I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canadá. I currently work as a business consultant, focusing on business management, event planning, and government lobbying around cultural issues. I have been involved with the Halifax music community for 16 years, and have done all sorts of neat things around that.

More importantly, though, than real life achievements, is that I have been online since about 1984, when I first plugged a 300 baud acoustic coupler into my Vic-20 and called into my first BBS (TIBBS, a local BBS run on a Texas Instruments computer!) I had an email account on the AM*X network and a FIDOnet account by 1986, and was trying to hack into the Dal university computer by 1987. My first real DARPA net style internet email address was at Dalhousie University as a student in 1990.... I remember when there were only 1100 usenet new groups and the newgroups were all, by and large, good!

I think Wiki is great, though almost every page to do with music of Nova Scotia is very un-encyclopedic and completely biased. I think I have a lot to contribute here, but god damn it is a lot of work. I am being bold and hope that my massive edits of some of these pages will be the catalyst to have a more healthy level of involvement by our music community in this wiki community.

I agree to multi-license all my contributions, with the exception of my user pages, as described below: