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Esperamos que pases buenos momentos en Wikipedia. George McFinnigan plé 19:06 2 mar 2006 (CET)

Níl leasmhar


Níl leasmhar. Go raibh míle maith agat. George McFinnigan   plé 19:08 2 mar 2006 (CET)

Le do thoil... George McFinnigan   plé 12:54 4 mar 2006 (CET)

Funny thing to ask


Hi, I've seen that you asked McFinnigan whether he speaks Irish... you know, that's a funny thing to ask. Rumour has it that Finnigan is Spanish, or, at least, that he's in Spain.

The evidence is overwhelming: we created a series of accounts on different Wikipedias with the name of George McFinnigan, and with a bait-message so as to make him revert/delete the content of the User Page. This he did. On the Wikipedia in portuguese he fared well: he had an account. That very minute, though, he deleted one of our user pages on the Russian and German Wikipedias. He had no account, so his IP was revealed. It was a Spanish, Telefónica IP. He is in Spain. Check it out here: en:User:George McFinnigan. I'm afraid it's in Spanish, but all you have to do is click on the links and check that all I said adds up.

We believe that he is a hibernophile. Ok, that's good. He may speak Gaelic. Nothing to complain about. I'm myself learning languages such as Russian. The point is, he seems to have been lying to all of us, here. Funnily enough, he had no account on the ENGLISH wikipedia, allegedly his mother tongue! He had an account on the Spanish Wikipedia and on the Irish Wikipedia, but no account on the English one. Isn't that fishy?


-- 12:46 5 mar 2006 (CET)

PS: incidentally, I failed to comment on why we did this. We've been having a lot of trouble with him. He keeps insulting people from Cataluña (Catalonia), and he's done such things as to delete the National (Official) Day of Galicia just because he thinks that's a nationalist thing.

When I told him about Galicia, which I know very well, since my best friend comes from there, he just insulted me, refusing to listen. That's why we set a trap, because tens of users have been insulted by him, and yet sysops seem to be rather unwilling to do anything, more's the pity.

-- 12:56 5 mar 2006 (CET)

Yes, I do it


I really speak Irish, but I have an intermediate level. George McFinnigan   plé 17:53 5 mar 2006 (CET)