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Mariagarcia (discusión · contribs.)
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Mariagarcia (discusión · contribs.)
Línea 25:
Durante la Gran Depresión elloas llevaban libros y otros matriales de lectura a remotas áreas rurales, donde la gente no tenía otro modo de acceso a la lectura.<ref>{{Cita web|url=https://blueridgecountry.com/api/content/1349d918-e914-11e9-a511-1296368300b6/|título=The Pack Horse Librarians of Eastern Kentucky|fechaacceso=2021-04-30|apellido=Vannorsdall|nombre=Joan|fecha=2019-10-15|sitioweb=Blue Ridge Country|idioma=en-us}}</ref> un laáreass '''During the Depression, they delivered books and other reading materials in remote rural areas, to people with no other access to the world of reading.'''de
Nan Milan, who carries books in an eight - mile radius from Pine Mountain Settlement School, boarding school for mountain children, joked that horses she rode had shorter legs on one side than the other so that they wouldn't slide off of steep mountain paths. Riders use their own horses or mules - Pine Mountain group had a horse named Sunny Jimor leased them from neighbors. They earn 28 montharounds 495 in modern dollars. Books and magazines they carry usually come from outside donations.<ref>{{Cita web|url=https://plex.page/|título=Advanced Search Summarization {{!}} Online Knowledge|fechaacceso=2021-04-30|sitioweb=Plex.page|idioma=en}}</ref>
un laáreass '''During the Depression, they delivered books and other reading materials in remote rural areas, to people with no other access to the world of reading.'''de