Leptoconopinae es una subfamilia de dípteros nematóceros perteneciente a la familia Ceratopogonidae.[1]

Reino: Animalia
Filo: Arthropoda
Clase: Insecta
Orden: Diptera
Suborden: Nematocera
Infraorden: Culicomorpha
Superfamilia: Chironomoidea
Familia: Ceratopogonidae
Subfamilia: Leptoconopinae
Enderlein, 1936

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  • Austroconopinae Borkent, 1987
  • Leptoconina Noe, 1907

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  • Elson-Harris, M.M. 1990. Keys to the immature stages of some Australian Ceratopogonidae. Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 29: 267-275.
  • Mullen, G.R. and L.J. Hribar. 1988. Biology and feeding behavior of ceratopogonid larvae (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in North America. Bulletin of the Society for Vector Ecology 13: 60-81.

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