
Please stop spamming your drawings into articles. They are not welcome there! --Pentachlorphenol (discusión) 17:53 24 oct 2015 (UTC)Responder

why i can't insert a portrait of le corbuier? You don't like it? unsigned contrib moved from Sketch me - custom portraits from Usuario discusión:Pentachlorphenol
Keep the discussion on one site, please. And No. Your advertising for your company isgenerally disliked. --Pentachlorphenol (discusión) 18:07 24 oct 2015 (UTC)Responder
Will you keep the discussion on on site please! So answers ar expected to be posted to THIS site. --Pentachlorphenol (discusión) 18:11 24 oct 2015 (UTC)Responder
Sorry, but i started today in wikipedia, and i don't know exactly how its works.
why i can't insert my sketches in the page of the person who i draw? the problem is the signature? you prefer portraits without signature?
Wikipedia is there for writing and publishing articles. Not for publishing drawings. I think you have come to the wrong site. In an article about a person we will like one or even a few images. But drawings are not welcome. In fact I have the impression you do this just for promoting you website. You might get blocked when going on like this. --Pentachlorphenol (discusión) 18:20 24 oct 2015 (UTC)Responder
my interest is simply bring my help to improve Wikipedia. i make portraits that consider interesting to get better pages, but if you think the problem is that the portraits are promotional, I can add it with no signatures.
maybe you're imposing your personal opinion, and you're acting against what it means wikipedia. I thought Wikipedia was made between all, so my contribution is to provide portraits of people who don't have, or the portraits are of low quality.
Your portraits reflect the persons as you see them, and this collides with Wikipedias general rule "neutral point of view". Therefore: please stop this, in any Wikipedia in any language. Regards. --Jkbw (discusión) 18:41 24 oct 2015 (UTC)Responder
My portraits are made directly from photographs do not reflect a personal point of view. if they have a particular technique and a style, but they are not interpretations. faithfully reflect each of the people. not perform interpretations, I work superimposing photos. I maintain the exact proportions and the features of each person.Why it's worth this portrait of Fernando Fernan Gomez (án_Gómez ) , which itself is a subjective portrait, and is not worth my job, that it's made directly from photo?
Your way of creating a portrait from a photography reduces the information contained in the original picture, and this reduction process is a very personal one.
Another rule respective how to discuss problems: In Wikipedia we do not base the discussions on examples, which may be deleted in a few minutes. Reflecting the resonance to your global edits: There are at least three users who considered your portraits as inadequate for an enciclopedia. And this is no negative assessment on your grafical work. --Jkbw (discusión) 19:14 24 oct 2015 (UTC)Responder
As you can read in Wikipedia ( : A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person. In all items, especially those related to people, the text is associated with pictures. I think this matter is being revealed several problems in Wikipedia that makes it not as free, democratic and collaborative should be. Also it revealed as the opinion of one person, two or a thousand, dictate how things should be, and we gone into the old question of what is considered art and what not. Well, I make portraits, and these portraits represent the people referred to Wikipedia articles,so there should be no problem for my portraits were part of Wikipedia.
Petición de desbloqueo revisada y rechazada

Este usuario bloqueado (registro de bloqueoipblocklistcontribuciones • contribuciones borradascreación de usuario • desbloquear) solicitó ser desbloqueado, y un bibliotecario ha revisado y rechazado su solicitud.

  • Esta solicitud de desbloqueo debe mantenerse visible.
  • No reemplaces este mensaje.
  • No añadas una nueva solicitud de desbloqueo.
  • Otros bibliotecarios podrían también revisar esta solicitud, pero no deberían invalidar la decisión sin una buena razón.

Resolución del caso

Motivo de la solicitud: «Los dibujos aparecen marcados con la refencia a nuestra web, simplemente a modo de firma. En ningún momento la idea es promocionarnos o hacer spam. Normalemte todas las obras aparecen firmadas por su autor y en te caso las obras las firmamos con la referencia a nuestra web, ya que somos los autores de ellas. Nuestra intención en ningun caso es hacer promoción, simpletente pretendemos ilustrar los articulos de las personas que ya hemos retratado. En otros casos similares, se permite incluso una imagen redirecionada a Flickr y no entiendo por qué en nuestro caso no se nos permite compartir nuestro trabajo. Si el único problema es la firma, podriamos eliminarla del retrato, ya que lo importate para nosotros es compartir nuestro trabajo.»

Motivo de la decisión: «Desde el nombre de usuario hasta su orientación, esta cuenta es de propósito particular con fines de spam. Taichi 01:43 26 oct 2015 (UTC)»Responder